Chapter 14-Ready to go

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'Annu hurry up,we are becoming late,and all because of you as always,trust me you will not look any better by spending more time in front of the mirror.' Razia called.

'Yes,because I am the best version of all the possible handsome men god could make,and wait..I have told you thousand of times not to call me that,It sounds girlyyy',Aayan pouted.

'Oh I am sorry Annu so much,I always forget that you don't like me calling you Annu,Right Annu?' She said mischievously raising her eyebrows and he pouted even more and she burst out laughing.

Somewhere inside,he is glad that she calls him that because it makes her smile and he loves smile on her face.

He gazed her when she was busy laughing,and she was looking really good. She was wearing a black mom jeans and a white T-Shirt with black boots. Her hairs were tied in a neat ponytail and she was looking very pretty in that casual outfit.

He was busy studying her,when Aashi came and cleared her throat.
'Ehem,I am very sorry to disturb your pleasant talks,but I guess you both should run at a pace of 100 right now as It will be very unpleasant for me if I get to know that..'She let the sentence incomplete trailing in the air to make the best effect.It is the most effective trick of hers to make people work super efficiently.

'Ya, Sorry mom. Ok we are leaving Razia let's go.' Aayan said.

He kissed his mom and hugged her when she whispered in her ear that she want to have a little talk with him alone before he leaves.

Razia came and hugged Aashi and She told her to take care of herself and not to worry as there will be a lot of people to help her there and She said that She is not worried and neither afraid and will take care of her own.

Aayan told her to get the car out of the parking and he will be coming in two minutes as he has left his wallet in his room and she went to the parking.

'What happened mom?What is the matter?' He asked worriedly.

'Listen, I know she is strong and is brave but there are a lot of unsaid emotions in her heart,that can hurt her. You have to take care of her. Promise me.' She said.

'And you think that I wouldn't if you didn't told me to?' He frowned.

'I know you are the one who cares for her the most,and I know you feel for her and-'

No no, she did not left it incomplete purposefully this time, but Aayan cut her'

'Ok, mom so you know?' He said shyly.
Before she could reply he started his way towards the exit and yelled, 'I will be there for her,as a friend,as a as a protection shield and as whatever I would be supposed to be to comfort her, as you know now, I would like to tell you that I don't just feel for her but LOVE her, you know.' And went towards the parking lot.

'Oh,you are here. Be responsible now, you are a big boy now Annu.' She said ruffling his hairs.

'Hey it took me 20 minutes to set them , don't do that and you again called me that.' He said playfully.

'Ok Ok cool my boy, well, what music would you like to listen?'

'I would rather talk.' He said.

'Yeah, Of course you are the best in that skill.' She said trying to tease him.

But they both knew that it was the favorite pastime for them both as they could be talking whole day with each other and never get bored.

'Why are there so many cars behind us?' She asked.

'They are our team and some guards to protect us as the place where we are going is a little umm...chaotic?'

'Oh.' She replied.

She always used to become furious on the idea of having guards around her as she always liked to roam freely and manage everything on her own.
Even after becoming such a star She only had 2 or 3 bodyguards around her and that too rarely, but things were different today and she knew that she could not be careless today.

She was also a little nervous for facing Asha tai and Ruhaan as She don't know how they have been as she stopped to talk to them years ago because they could face real problem if someone found and also she was not independent and this strong and efficient then but now,there was a ray of hope in her heart as she could now take them out of there and also could talk to them whenever she wants to.
She was eagerly waiting to see them.

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