N i n e

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My alarm goes off, waking me up. I open my eyes and roll onto my stomach, grabbing my phone to shut the loud noise off. Loud noise for the morning at least. I glance for any messages, but I have none, which isn't surprising. It is five am and normal people would be fast asleep now.

I throw the blankets off my body and get up, getting ready for the day. I check the weather, so I know what to wear. Since it is going to be a couple degrees hotter than yesterday, I throw on my bikini and a flower print summer dress. I brush my teeth before brushing and braiding my hair.

As I slip into my flip-flops, a soft knock is placed on the door. A smile spreads across my lips as there can be only one person on the other side of the door. I hurry and open it, revealing Noah on the other side.

A wide smile tugs at his lips as our eyes connect and I wrap my arms around him, placing a soft kiss on his cheek. "Good morning" I greet him. He squeezes my body in his arms before pushing me back a little, only to look at me.

"Good morning, pretty girl" he smiles. He places a soft kiss on my lips, his hand cupping my left cheek. "You ready?"

"Yeah, just let me grab my phone and purse" I tell him. I walk back into the hotel room and grab my necessary things for the day, along with the hotel key. Noah grabs my purse and my phone to put them in his bag while I close the door behind me.

"Your aunt knows you're gone for the whole day, doesn't she?" he asks as we make our way towards the elevator.

"Yeah, she knows. She was lightly skeptical at first, but I have convinced her... obviously" I smile. I reach for his hand and intertwine our fingers. A smile lights up his face and he squeezes my hand gently, awakening the butterflies in my stomach. I am head over heels for him.

"That's good. I'm glad she said yes, because I can't wait for this day" he says as he presses on the elevator button. Before I can even say anything, the doors slide open and we step inside. I press on the lobby button and lean against the wall.

"Oh, you have something planned?" I question him. He turns to stand in front of me and cups my face with his free hand, rubbing his thumb across my cheek.

"Of course. Today is going to be just you and me" he replies. A smile appears on my lips as I stare up in his bright blue eyes, his loving stare making me feel like I am the only girl in the world.

"Just you and me. That sounds really good" I smile while leaning closer to him and tilting my head up. He grins down at me and his eyes flicker down to my lips before he leans down and kisses me gently.

I kiss him back as my eyes close at the sweet contact. My heart is racing in my chest already while it feels like sparks are flying around us. This happens every single time whenever we kiss and I find the feeling very addictive.

The little ping of the elevator interrupts our kiss as it tells us we have arrived on the lobby floor. Noah winks at me while pulling me out of the elevator, a wide smile placed on his lips. As usual there is only one woman standing behind the reception desk, who always looks more asleep than awake.

We make our way outside. Immediately I feel the humidity, telling me it is going to be a hot day. I love those days though. It really reminds me of the summer and summer is my favorite season; we can be outside and explore the world around us even more. It gives us more opportunities to discover new parts of the world, to learn something new about our earth every day.

We do get opportunities like that throughout the whole year yet in winter time it feels different for me. We are dressed in warm clothes and all I want to do is read a book or articles about what we can do to make the world a better place. We can go outside, but it is less appealing; we don't want to be cold. We want to be warm and sit inside next to the fire, cuddled up in a hoodie and blankets. Maybe even drink a hot chocolate.

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