20. The Good Old Days

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Andromeda sat on a chair next to Reyna. Things were not looking bright for the former praetor. The spear had not hit her in a fatal area, but she did lose a lot of blood. Her skin was deathly pale. The faint heartbeat was the only thing signalling she was alive. Andromeda had been sitting next to Reyna for the last few hours. She had fallen asleep an hour after she came to the infirmary. Andromeda woke up. She turned to Reyna. It pained her to see her older sister in a pitiful state like this.

Suddenly the alarm sounded. Andromeda realized that the sun had just dipped below the horizon. She shot to her feet and put on her armor. She mist-traveled to the main entrance with Will. The duo immediately ran into the monster army and began ripping monsters apart. A golden mist began forming around her. Every enemy that entered began slowing down. Her speed rose to insane levels.

Percy had given his sister his blessing, but had locked the powers of the blessing. He had made sure that the block would not hold if his sister was furious. A flood of information hit Andromeda. She knew how to use her new powers thanks to this flood. Jagged blades of ice began forming around her. A massive snow storm hit the monsters. Half an hour later Andromeda had got rid of a quarter of the army. The demigods at the other entrances were faring well. The monster army was not small, but it was kept at bay thanks to Andromeda. This was when she made her mistake.

There were a few laws that had to be strictly followed when controlling time. Andromeda in her fury broke the first and most important law. Normally she would have been unable to do so, but the amount of power that had been building up in the blessing was unleashed. She began speeding up time heavily for herself and slowing it down for the monsters. This was not a good idea. Time was like a steadily moving river. The river can have currents moving at different speeds, but there always will be regions where the water does not move as fast as one current, but not as slow as the other. The only way to get rid of this region would be to separate the two currents with a dam.

The lack of the middle region between the two currents in the river of time caused a rip in the fabric of time. The rip immediately sealed itself, but the damage was done. Andromeda was sucked into the rip and was thrown back in time. She reappeared in a different place and passed out. She was contacted in her dreams by Percy. He gave her a concerned look. "What happened?" Andromeda said. "You traveled back in time." replied Percy. "What!" Andromeda began hyperventilating.

"Calm down sis. There are ways to deal with the problems. I may not be allowed to travel back in time, but I can talk to you just fine. Don't worry about paradoxes. There are ways to avoid them. I will only be able to contact you in your dreams for now. For now you must stay hidden from the gods. They were different back then. They will kill you the first chance they get. After you find yourself a proper area to hide from the gods I will tell you a few modifications you must make to a phone. That will allow it to make calls to the phones in the future." Said Percy.

"What time did I travel to?" Asked Andromeda. "You are in the year 1993, August 15, 9:00 am. I can't tell where you are since I am the god of time ... not space." Replied Percy. "Wait a second. You are going to be born in a few days." Said Andromeda. Percy merely smiled. "Yes sister. I am going to be born. You can visit if you want, but stay in your mist form. That way no one will see you." He said. Andromeda barely held back a squeal. "After you finish your visit, go to Hephaestus's forge in Lemnos. All the pipes and cables will connect to a massive sphere. Open the massive bolt in the front and the cover will come off. Then grab a chunk of the crystal, the size of a soccer ball. Try and get some divine metals; preferably imperial gold, and some titanium. Now go wake. You have a long twenty two years to go."

Saying this, Percy vanished from Andromeda's dream and she woke up. She was on a bench in a park near a street. Andromeda walked into some bushes and mist-traveled to the Jackson's house. She found Sally sitting in a chair reading a book. Andromeda decided to check back later. She needed to go find the crystal and the other stuff her brother told her to get. Getting the titanium was easy enough. All she had to do was to get a bit of titanium powder from the junk made in a factory. Factories wasted a lot of titanium in the form of powder. The imperial gold was somewhat harder to get, but still manageable. She had a short trip to Alaska, and grabbed some imperial gold.

She mist-traveled to Sally's house in the evening. What she saw next made her smile. Sally stood in the room she had arranged for Percy and held her son, who was happily giggling. Sally put Percy into the cradle and left. After making sure she would not be coming back, Andromeda materialized in front of Percy's cradle. The boy looked up in wonder at her. Andromeda smiled at her older, now younger brother. "Hey little guy, I'm Andromeda, your sister. It's nice to meet you. Stay safe and enjoy your peace as long as you can. Bye." She said. Andromeda knew it was foolish, but she wished her brother would remember her. She gave Percy a sad smile and vanished.

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