❁ibalgin «Newtmas»❁

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This song is Czech, and it's about a guy and a girl, basically being high 24/7, but also loving eachother a lot, and sticking together no matter what.

Thomas carefully twisted the door's handle, making a quiet click, disturbing the previous dominant silence that fell upon the whole apartment. The brunette entered, and the first very noticeable thing, was the smell of cigarettes, alcohol and just about whatever they owned.

Thomas turned his gaze to the door that led to the small living room, and saw his blonde lover standing in between the door that was slightly open, darkness completely surrounding them, the only light, was what came from the little gap of the open door, and Newt's amber eyes that almost seemed to shine.

“Hey there, blondie.” Said Thomas, walking closer to Newt, carefully opening the door completely, so he could pull his boyfriend closer. The brunette carefully slid his hands around Newt's waist, and pulled him close, kissing his forehead tenderly. Newt's scent was like always. Cigarettes and alcohol. But for some reason, it didn't bother Thomas at all. On the other hand, it was kind of. . . hot? It didn't really matter. Not like he had a better scent himself.

After dealing with hard lives, both boys started smoking, drinking and taking anything to help them slip away from reality to another world where nothing but them existed. They just kind of got used to their lives. He knew it would not last long though. Both were pretty aware of that. Soon, they'll be short on money, and that could be a big problem. But it wasn't for them. They didn't really seemed to care. The biggest problem was their health, that was slowly deteriorating.

Newt smiled slightly, trying to ignore his pounding head, slowly putting his arms around Thomas's neck. “Hmm. . where were you?” Asked the blonde with a groggy voice. Thomas chuckled, and answered. “Store. I got you some Ibalgin.” Newt nodded, sliding his hand into Thomas's bag, reaching for a small box of medication.

Newt disappeared into the kitchen, soon enough, the sound of the water running was heard. The brunette smiled, and tiredly rubbed his eyes.

Thomas dropped his tired body on their couch. Newt soon joined him, falling straight into the brunette's arms. The blonde buried his head in the older one's chest, letting his body relax, hoping for at least an hour of sleep.

After a while, the blonde was sound asleep. Thomas stoked his soft feathery hair, thinking about anything and everything. Whenever he and Newt went out, they got weird stares from other people, probably because of the huge bags under their eyes, and practically because they must've looked like zombies. Thomas didn't mind though. When he was with Newt, he didn't care what the other's said, he'd just tune out the rest of the world, the only person he'll ever need was beside him after all.

He'd do anything for Newt. And if Newt was doing something, he was too. So, when the blonde takes a couple of pills, so does he. If he wants to take that final jump, so will he. They talked about this many times, but never were they both sober. They didn't need to be drunk to make crazy decisions and promises though. Their life was falling apart, and so, their choices were getting limited. But whatever happens, they'll be together. They're the only thing they have. Each other.

There was just no word to describe the love he felt for Newt. He loved his soft, feathery blonde hair, he loved how pale he looked. He knew, that what Newt was giving him, was something no one else could. He had never met someone as crazy as his little blonde boyfriend, but that was what drived him crazy. His wild personality that hid under his innocent face. He was fooling everyone with that pretty face of his. He loved the way he smiled at him. He loved the way he could release his inner demon, and he knew that Newt loved him to death, but also hated him. It was Thomas after all who brought him into drinking and smoking. But even if Newt ever hated him, his love for the brunette still overflowed.

Newt suddenly opened his eyes slightly, looking at Thomas who had his brown orbs glued to him the whole time. “Hey..” Whispered Thomas, to which Newt smiled. “Hi..”

Newt carefully leaned in, and pecked his nose slightly. “You're so cute Tommy.” Says Newt quietly, almost whispering. The brunette chuckled, and brought his hand to the blonde's cheek. “Last time I checked, you were the adorable one in this relationship.” Answered the brunette in the same tone as Newt. “I love you so much Tommy.” Said Newt, bringing his lips to the brunette's.

Thomas sweetly kissed back, the taste of alcohol mixing in. After a few seconds, Newt his his face in the crook of Thomas's neck. “We'll be together for all eternities, love. Don't worry.” Said Thomas, slowly rubbing Newt's back. It was true. They'll always be stuck together.


This was a bit unusual, and I normally don't like writing about people getting high and stuff, so I decided to mix fluff in :'3

I'm sorry for not being active!!

«885 words»

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