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𝙂𝙧𝙖𝙘𝙚'𝙨 𝙋𝙊𝙑

We soon enough arrived at Karl's house that I've been very excited to finally see. It seemed to be a white two level house along with a cute yard and a garage. Karl parked the car on the driveway and soon proceeded to open my door up for me while I looked for my phone in my bag.

"Thank you kind sir. What a gentleman you've become." I giggle as I step outside the car with my phone in my hand.

"What can I say, I've grown more mature than I was at graduation." He says which made me laugh. I shut the door behind me as he opened up the back of the car to get my luggage.

"Okay enough, you don't have to cary my bags." I chuckle as he shuts the car door.

"No I want to." He says with a kind smile on his face.

"If you insist..." I say as I made my way to the front door. "Nice house, when did you get it? I thought you lived in an apartment or something smaller." I admit.

"I got it recently. A couple months ago I believe." He says as he put the key into the door. He unlocked it before holding the door open for me to walk through. I roll my eyes as I proceeded into the hall. I took of my shoes as I heard the door shut behind me, then I looked up to see what I was gonna live in for the continuous days. Karl was right, he had stepped up his game, in the best way possible. The living room was decorated quite nicely honestly. A gray-black sofa along with a coffee table made out of wood and glass. It wasn't very colorful, but he had made sure to put a lot of plants everywhere, which I loved. In my perspective it made the room give off a more calm vibe.

"You're a plant dad? You should've told me! I love plants." I say which made him laugh.

"No I'm not, but I'm glad you like them." He simply said. I continue to look around the room to notice a tv and a bunch of paintings and posters on the walls.

"I like the posters, too. You really have stepped up your game haven't you?" I chuckle.

"You believe me now?" He asks.

"I guess I do." There was a tv placed in front of the sofa and there wasn't much more than that, just a carpet. There was a simple kitchen next to the living room and that was about it for the first floor. Oh, and a bathroom.

"Finally!" Karl says as he tightens his fist to show his victory off. I roll my eyes with a smile attached to my lips. "You wanna check upstairs?" I nod and we were soon on our way to the second floor.

"You're house is clean. I didn't know you were a tidy type of guy." I say as I enter his room. In the center of the room there was a double bed and next to each side there was a bed night stand with a lamp and on one of the sides there was a clock. Perhaps that was the side Karl usually slept on. There were once again two or three posters up on the walls along with three pretty much broken or worn out skateboards, and a forth one, which looked newer. There were multiple shelves up in the room with different stuff on them, some cd's, a camera, even more plants and a couple framed photos. I walked closer to one of them, only to realize it was a framed photo of me and Karl together at our graduation.

"As you figured, I'm not, I cleaned up only to seem like a kept together person." He laughs.

"That, is relatable." I laugh. I reach for the photo to get a closer look at it. "I love this photo." I say as a smile grew on my lips along with a warm feeling inside of me.

"Which one?" He asks as I could hear him put down my luggage on his bed. "Oh that one." He now stood next to me, also admiring the photo. I look up to see him smile. "Graduation. I miss that time... before you moved." He sighs.

"Yeah. It really sucks. I wish we didn't move to Ohio. We would've been able to spend more time together." I sigh as I look at him. He looked back at me. We just stood there looking each other in the eyes. As I realized what was going on, I looked back at the photo before I carefully put it back at its place on the shelf.

"Me too." He says. I smile at him before I walk around the room a bit more. There wasn't really anything more, only a closet and a bathroom connected to the room.

"So where am I staying?" I ask him.

"You could either stay in the guest room or in here with me. The bed is big so I believe we will both fit pretty nicely. The mattress in the guest room is also basically as hard as stone." He laughs.

"Then I am pretty certain I will stay in here." I chuckle.

"Though you will have to put your stuff  in the wardrobe in the guest room since I don't have much space in mine." He says, scratching his neck.

"Oh noo, I cant walk that far to my wardrobe." I joke. He looked confused. "That was a joke, you dork." I laugh which made him laugh as well. 

"You're a dork! Anyways, you up for some sushi? I'm starving." He says and I smile.

"You know I love sushi. Just let me get ready."


𝗛𝗲𝗹𝗹𝗼 𝗮𝗴𝗮𝗶𝗻 :)

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Karl Jacobs  - 𝙏𝙤 𝙇𝙞𝙠𝙚-𝙇𝙞𝙠𝙚 𝙎𝙤𝙢𝙚𝙤𝙣𝙚 Where stories live. Discover now