Chapter 14

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With the tiny vial she had received just three days before close in hand, Ginny, Lucy, and Luna arrived at Hogsmeade Village together. Unfortunately for Lucy and Luna, Ginny and Dean ran into each other and found themselves on a date to the Three Broomsticks. Luna and Lucy remained together for a bit, but later separated as well as Luna went off to buy some stationary so she could write to her father while Lucy took the chance to go looking for Christmas gifts.

Lucy found a new broom for Peter, his had broken when he had an unfortunate incident with a tree. A cloak for Susan as Susan's were not as thick as the would need to be when the harder snow that came in January hit and a journal for Casper/Caspian. The heating charms Lucy had placed on Susan's current ones would be good for now. but wouldn't last that long. Lucy had asked her mom to send her some colored pencils for Ginny, and Lucy had found a pair of shoes she knew her mother would love. Lucy had yet to figure out what to get Edmund or her father, and that left Luna who had a taste for the peculiar things.

Wandering into the book store, Tomes and Scrolls, Lucy scanned the titles, looking for something one of the remaining three on her list would like, when instead of a promising book, Lucy found the twin Carrow sisters from the Slytherin house, that she had become somewhat acquainted with during Professor Slughorn's dinner party. However, Lucy had not gotten their individual names.

One of the sisters was scanning the books like Lucy had been while the other stood by her sister, reading a book.

"Hello." Lucy greeted them.

"Flora," the one reading looked up, "and she's Hestia. You're Lucy." She stated.

"Did you need something?" Hestia asked flatly.

"Yes, actually." Lucy smiled despite their expressionless faces. "I was hoping to find a gift for Luna. She has a curious taste for the lesser thought of things and creatures. Do you have any suggestions?"

Hestia's spine straightened even more that it already was, her lips curving ever so slightly. "I do."

Flora went to sit down at the small sitting area while Hestia led Lucy down the isle and toward the back of the store until she stopped at the second to last bookshelf of the store.

"Newton Scamander revolutionized  wizards' knowledge of magical creatures. Most of his books are well known and often used as textbooks for Care of Magical Creatures classes, but this one focuses on extremely rare creatures. Some are doubted to exist today if the ever even have in the first place." Hestia handed me the book from the shelf, it wasn't thin, but it wasn't really thick either. It was titled, "Mysterious Creatures and Where They Roam".

Lucy grinned, "Thank you. I'm sure Luna will love it. It's perfect."

Hestia's lips quirked. "Of course, creatures are incredible." She moved to leave, but paused. "If you have any questions about creatures, magical or not, you can ask me, and Flora can answer almost any question you could possibly ask about plants."

"I don't have any one subject I'm best at, but if you or Flora have any questions or need help, the same goes for you two." Lucy returned.

Hestia nodded and left to rejoin her sister while Lucy, grabbing a second copy, this one for Edmund, though she intended to read it first, went to purchase the books.


Lucy, laden with a wrapped broom stick and several bags, began the trek back to Hogwarts in the early snow. Lucy hadn't been walking that long, though her pace was a bit faster than the trio of Harry, Ron, and Hermione, and would overtake them in just a minute, when a blood curling scream cut though the air.

Lucy recognized the Hufflepuff girl named Leanne, who had screamed when her friend collapsed to the ground. Lucy ran forward, passed the trio, and came to stand beside Leanne, near Katie Bell.

"I warned her, I warned her not to touch it. " Leanne cried as Katie began to move side to side, as if being dragged until she was lifted up, a scream trying to leave her lips but barely any sound passing though. Then, Katie was back on the ground with a thud.

Lucy quickly tossing her things to the side of the path, knelt beside Kattie and reached out to find a pulse. It was dropping at an alarmingly fast rate.

"Don't get any closer." Hagrid ordered from behind. Lucy ignored him as she checked the breathing, Katie's breath was rapid, but not much air was passing though. "Get back, all of you."

Hagrid pushed passed and picked up Katie while ordering Harry, who had approached the necklace Katie had been carrying, to "Do not touch that, except for the wrappings."

"Hagrid!" Lucy yelled at the half-giant over the whistling wind. "Put her down!"

"I need to get her to the Hospital Wing." Hagrid refused.

"Hagrid!" Lucy yelled again. "She isn't getting enough oxygen if she is even getting any at all and her pulse is fading fast. She'll be dead by the time you make it to the Courtyard let alone the hospital. Put her down, now." Lucy used her queenly voice for the order.

Seeing the steel in her eyes and hearing the authority in her voice, Hagrid lowered Katie back down. Without wasting a moment, Lucy withdrew the vial from her pocket, titled Katie's head just so, freed the vial from the cork with her teeth, poured the drop into Katie's open mouth, and massaged her throat to help her swallow.

Putting her finger against Katie's wrist, and keeping an eye on Katie's stomach, Lucy waited. It didn't take long. Almost immediately, Katie's breath evened and her pulse improved. Soon it was if Katie had just laid down for a nap and was fast asleep.

Lucy nodded to Hagrid, who stood, holding Katie once more, and continued down the path towards Hogwarts. Picking up her things and disregarding the looks the trio and Leena were giving her, Lucy followed after Hagrid and Katie.

Victory! I didn't take forever for the next update! I'm so proud of myself! :)

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