twenty seven

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twenty seven

warnings: angst, so much angst. but it's the good kind of angst. like, it might kill you but you'll love it. you want it to kill you.


My eyes scanned across the list of names. It was easy to find it since they were listed in alphabetical order. And there it was, third to the top.


If I was being honest, this was one of the last places I wanted to be alone right now. But I had to. I just hated feeling useless.

The scroll had said that the way to exorcise a nogitsune was by 'changing the body of the host'. Scott had immediately interpreted it as we needed to turn Stiles into a werewolf, which immediately brought on a series of questions. Did Stiles even wanna become a werewolf? Was it right for Scott to bite him without his consent? But at the same time, Stiles would surely rather be a werewolf than possessed by a nogitsune, right? So in that way, was Scott obligated to bite him? It would certainly save lives if it worked.

But then Deaton had insisted that that may not even be the correct interpretation. Apparently, the people who wrote these sorts of scrolls were big pains in the asses and could just be speaking metaphorically, so 'changing the body of the host' could basically stand for anything, which brought us right back to square one.

Perfect timing too, since the wolf lichen now had stopped taking effect, so the nogitsune was in control of Stiles' body once again and had broken out of Eichen House, so now no one knew where he was. The last person that had seen him was a girl called Malia Tate, a werecoyote (like, what the fuck is that?), who had accidentally murdered half her family during a full moon like eight years ago. She had then been stuck in her coyote form until recently when Scott used his alpha powers to bring her back. Oh, and also, she was apparently the coyote who had attacked Kira and I in the boys' locker room.

What the fuck had I gotten myself into?

Anyway, she had given us a bunch of information on what happened in Eichen House, and now she was off doing whatever, I had no idea. Scott was currently at Kira's house, trying to figure out how her family was tied to this whole shebang. I had texted him and asked if there was anything I could help with, but he had assured me that they were fine on their own. I'm pretty sure he thought he was helping me by letting me take a break, but it was the opposite. I felt antsy and useless, and I had no idea what to do. I mean, it's not like I could concentrate on homework right now.

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