twenty eight

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twenty eight

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twenty eight

warnings: lots of angst as usual, but I'm pretty sure that's all.


"Guys, this is crazy. He needs to be in the hospital," said Melissa, looking down at the unconscious body of her son's best friend lying on her couch. Apparently, Lydia and Aiden had found him bleeding out in a random parking lot. Lydia's banshee powers were to thank for that.

"Mom, remember what happened last time he went to the hospital?"

"Doesn't look like he's bleeding," said Deaton who was examining the cut across his stomach. "I think he might even be healing."

"You mean healing like we heal?" asked Aiden.

"It makes sense," I said. "I mean, he has the supernatural strength of a kitsune, so that means he'd also have the healing."

"Yeah, and that's good, right?" asked Scott.

Deaton leaned back from the boy. "For him, yes. Us? I'm not so sure."

"Well, if we aren't gonna kill him why aren't we at least tying him down with really big chains?" asked Aiden, pacing through the living room.

I nodded. "Hate to say it, but he's got a point."

"I might have something more effective," Deaton said, opening a case he was holding and bringing out a bottle with some form of liquid in it. I seemed to be the only one who had no idea what it was, as Scott and Aiden nodded in understanding at and leaned down to prop Stiles' mouth open.

"What's that?"

"Kanima venom," said Deaton as he poured some in Stiles' mouth. As soon as the liquid was in, his eyes opened, blazing with fury, and I staggered back in shock. Stiles' hand shot out and wrapped around Aiden's neck, choking him.

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