Attack Of The Minotaurs

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Edited: 06/25/22

Rena's POV

When we were 5 feet off the ground Horus untransformed, and we ended up hitting the ground


"Maybe next time, keep flying until we're actually on the ground." Bek suggested, sarcastically

I groaned as I slowly stood up

"What Ra gave, he took back." Horus states, I brushed the dirt off my shoulders and my hair

"I thought he was helping you." Bek said

"I got what I needed. The whole of the Nile cannot quench Set's fire. But a few drops from the water of Creation can."

"Kill the desert."

"With his fire gone, Set will be weakened. Vulnerable."

"What would happen if I drank that?" Bek inquired

"You would be refreshed. Then you would die" Horus answered

"It doesn't seem right that the water of Creation would kill." Bek said

"I would kill you. For wasting my water." He tossed him a canteen

"What's this?" Bek asked, holding the canteen

"So you don't have bring me something to drink cupped in your hands."

Bek holds the canteen back to Horus

"We're not your slaves." He told him

"My father taught me it's unworthy of a God to strike a man."

"He should have taught you to get off your ass and get your own water."

Before Horus strikes Bek I got in front of him, sending both of us off the ground and far and hit the ground again, hard

Horus said something, I could't hear, but I knew he said

"Sorry father"


Me and Bek made it to a waterfall, he fills up the canteen, while I sat down, using my hands to scoop up the water and drink. Suddenly I was tossed to a big rock

"This is becoming unacceptable." I heard Bek say

"You think?!" I yelled

I looked behind to see the leader, make his way pass the group, grabbing Bek by the throat, I got up and tried to attack him, but 2 of the minotaurs held me down

"Where is the Eye of Horus?" Mnevis asked

"Up your behind, alongside the goats you keep up there." Bek responded

Mnevis held him over the waterfall

"Where is the Eye of Horus?"

"Right here."

I looked to see Horus standing there, ready for battle

" I thought you were crawling sightless in the mud somewhere." Mnevis said, then yelled

"Cut him down!"

I broke free and punched the minotaurs. I see a minotaur coming at me, I take out my daggers. I stabbed the minotaur and I started kicking ass. Horus did the same thing,I looked to see that Mnevis dropped Bek, Mnevis walk towards Horus

"Even if I were blind, deaf, bereft of limbs."   

Horus stabbed him

"you're still no match for me."

We went to the edge to see if Bek was alive

Thankfully he was

"You'll be glad to know I didn't fall to my death." He said, I sighed with relief

"Praise Ra." Horus say, sarcastically, I rolled my eyes and climbed down

"You do know the deal doesn't count if I die. The whole point is for Zaya and I both to be here, together. Breathing!"

I saw Mnevis, holding a rock over his head

"Behind you!" Bek yelled

Horus looks behind him, getting hit over the head, and falls

Me and Bek dived in after him

"Horus!" Bek yelled, hoping he would wake up

"Horus!" I yelled

I saw a waterfall and we fell down, I held on to Horus's shoulder

"Oh, Ra, dear Ra, please, help us!" Bek yelled

"Horus! We are going to die!"

After the attempts, Horus woke up, grabbed his spear and stopped us from falling further

"After you." He said


We swam safely to shore and got out of the water, shaked my hair and twisted my dark brown ponytail to get water out

"Are you sure you can do this?" Bek asked

We looked back at the top of the rock,where we almost died

"I saved you, didn't I?" Horus inquired

"Oh, you saved us?"

"Only because you're useful to me."

"You know what would be useful? Your other eye. I could steal it back for you if you like." I said

"Don't test my patience, mortal."

"our names are not mortal" Bek shouted, Horus turned around

"What is it, then?"


"Rena" I said

"Very well, Bek, Rena.The roads will be watched now. Set will send better hunters."

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