Let's Go Back In Time

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Third person POV

Today Horus was to be crowned king, but today was the day Rena had to go back to the future

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Today Horus was to be crowned king, but today was the day Rena had to go back to the future

Rena stood next to Zaya and Bek as Horus looked in the sky, mourning his parents, they had long since passed into the afterlife

But he knew that it was the wisdom of Ra that The Last Gate would remain what had always been:An unbreakable barrier between this life and immortality

"You think I'm ready?" Horus asks

"Hmm. True readiness is a notoriously difficult state to achieve. But you're close enough" Thoth replied

"Hmm." Horus responded as he kneeled down, Nepthys gives Thoth the crown and Thoth puts
The crowd on Horus's head

"Arise, Horus, king of all Egypt"

Everyone clapped, cheering for their new king, then Horus said

"From this moment on,the Afterlife must be earned not with gold...But by good
deeds...Compassion...And generosity. What we do,how we act in this life matters!"

Everyone clapped again after his speech


Rena's POV

I made my way to the balcony where Horus stood, I have to tell him that I'm leaving to go back to the future

"Horus?" I ask, he turns around "yes,Kaylee?" "There's something I need to tell you"

"What is it?" He asks, I sighed "I'm going back to the future"

He looks at me "Why?" "I need to go before
Someone knows I'm gone"

He had a look of sadness, I take his hand "But please, keep me in your hearts until I return."

Horus nods and we walked down stairs


I changed into my outfit that I wore when I first came here

Then I walked down to the throne room is, I saw, Bek, Zaya, Hathor, Thoth and Horus, then I saw a portal open, I towards it and stopped and looked at them

"Bye everyone" I said with tears in my eyes

I go through the portal, flying through to my time


I landed on my feet, in my nightgown

"I'm back!" I said, happily, then my phone started ringing, my sister,  Emma was FaceTiming me

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"I'm back!" I said, happily, then my phone started ringing, my sister,  Emma was FaceTiming me

I pick up the phone

"There you are! I've been trying to call you! Where were you!" She yelled

"If I told you, would you believe me?" I said


I picked up the 'Gods of Egypt' dvd and show it to her

"You can't be serious"

"Like having powers?"


I yawn "Alright, I'm going to bed"

"Ok good night"

"Good night" I hang up, I walk to my bed, going under the covers, turning off the light

Then I fall asleep

Gods of Egypt X OC (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now