The God Of Wisdom

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Rena's POV

We started making our way through a swamp, I was basically admiring my surroundings, until a splash caught my attention

Hathor was in the water and Horus was walking ahead

Bek was laughing while I snickered

"Be a dear and fetch me some clean water." Hathor tosses the canteen to Bek

"Would it kill you to say please?" He asks

"I'm really not in the mood to argue. Go get it for me I command you." She demands

"You're all the same aren't you?" Bek tosses the canteen back to her and we begin to walk away

"What's their name?"

We stop and look at Hathor

"I can make any man, woman, god or beast do my bidding unless their heart belong to another. You're both in love."

I blush and walked to catch up


After walking through a doorway in a tree. We went through a hallway

"Is that him?" Bek asks, looking at the clones, they literally look the same

"Of course not." Horus answers

"Then who are they?"

"His trusted servants." Hathor replied

"He only trusts himself"

We walked until we made it to what looked like a library, Thoth was studying a lettuce

"Wise Lord of the Sacred Word, we seek your counsel" Horus says

Thoth holds his finger and continues his work, then he points at Hathor and says

"You! Turn around."

"You prefer the view from behind?" Hathor asks


"No, I....Well yes.You know I can't lie. Turn. I'm not going to risk looking into those tricky eyes of yours." Hathor turns around then Thoth says


"Excuse me?" Horus inquired

"The percentage of knowledge I have so far recorded. I'm not even half done."

"Thoth, I only need-"

"The answer to the riddle of the Sphinx. A child could deduce why you're here. Go ask the riddle and come back and relay it to me. I'll solve it."

"One of us would have to die." Horus says

"Well, draw lots." Thoth replies

"Come with us." Horus pleads


"One night. I'll give you one night." Hathor offers, I face palm

"No you won't."

Horus walks towards Thoth and pleads, I wasn't really paying attention, until I heard Thoth say

"Your father dropped his guard. That was not only extremely stupid, but know I'm forced to write down everything I know as a defense against the remote possibility that Set's war finds me."

Then Horus says "I'm sorry that the corpses of my parents have inconvenienced you."

"Apology accepted. Now, get out!" Horus throws him against a table

"But you have to help us!"

Then Thoth's doppelgängers drew their daggers

"Careful. I outnumber you." Thoth says

"Woah Woah! it's fine I'll do it!" Bek says

"I thought you were a stray baboon." Thoth says

"I told you I'd be the one to face the Sphinx." Bek tells Horus

"Your chance of failure is overwhelming."

"I'm sure." I spoke up and walked next to Bek

"But before it kills me I'm going to tell it that I asked the God of Wisdom to come but he was afraid he'd get the answer wrong." I smirk, putting my hands on my hip

" I smirk, putting my hands on my hip

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(A/n: I do not own this drawing, S.K Michels is the rightful owner of this drawing, I recommend checking out their YouTube channel)

Thoth was shocked "This is the cleverest strategy you could devise? Playing on my ego? How vain do you think I am?"

Everyone was silent, looking at each other, then Thoth says


He slams the dagger on the table and walks out to the door

"Let's go." Thoth said

Hathor waves goodbye then we walked out the door.

"Well done." Horus says

I smirk "Thank you."

Gods of Egypt X OC (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now