The Sphinx

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Rena's POV

I walked next to Bek and Thoth while Horus and Hathor walked in the front arguing

"So you really watch the world come into being?" Bek questioned

"I don't lie." Thoth said

"Well where were you watching from if nothing has been created yet?"

"If I were attend to example your brain would liquid and run out of your ears."

We eventually made it to Set's pyramid

"It's too dangerous to cross the plain. We'll wait for darkness." Horus spoke

"But we're running out of time. I say we cross now." Bek said

"And I say we wait."

"And I say we wait." Bek walks off, shake my head and follow him

I sat down Seiza style,suddenly I felt a presence next to me

"Are you thinking about her?" Hathor asks

Me and Bek stood silent

"Of course you are." She said, then she explained

"I was once known as the Mistress of the West. My duty was to help dead souls make their way to the Afterlife."

"You traveled to the Land of the Dead?" Bek questioned

"I'm the Goddess of Love. Even to those who have died. I was young. Easily seduced."

"Seduced?" I asked

"Demons. This keeps them at bay." She said, showing her bracelet

"The Bracelet of 42 Stars. One for each of the demons that had been slayed to free me. Zaya needs to know you are fighting for her. So she does not lose hope." Hathor creates a little sand tornado

"Zaya" she whispered three times, then said

"Zaya? Can you hear me?" Suddenly Zaya form appeared in the little tornado

"Who is it? Who's there?" She asks

"Hathor, Mistress of the West." Hathor says


"I speak to you from the Land of the Living. Your beloved is with me."


"Zaya, it's me." Bek says

"I knew if there was a way, you would find it. But I can't see you." Zaya said

"Listen, we can be together again. You can return."

"But how?"

"I'm helping Horus. In return, he's going to help us."

"Is it really the Bek I love?"

"I know Zaya. I can hardly believe it myself. Bek, me, trusting the Gods. But I was wrong Zaya. Horus is a just God, as you said he would be. You're probably thinking, 'I told you so, right now."

"Well, yes. Just a little bit."

"Everything's going to be fine, Zaya, trust me. Horus is going to bring you back. I know he will."

Then the little tornado disappeared

Night is approaching


"There's a wheel inside. When you turn it, the sand stops moving." Bek explained, we made it to the pyramid

"We just need to go through the door."

"Good thing you saw those plans. If you didn't know which one it was, this would truly be impossible." Bek was silent



"You do know which one is the door, right?"

Oh Dear, Bek, you're screwed....

"yes of course it's this one!" He points to the one on the left, it closes, I mentally sigh and get ready to run

"N-no it's that one!" The one on the right, it closes

"No its-"

"This one!" I cut him off by running and diving rolling into the middle entrance, it worked!

The wheel was in slight, I crack my knuckles

"Roll the bones."

I jumped and jumped until the wheel was in reach. I turned it and the sand stopped moving


I sat on the stairs,fixing my outfit as the four came up the stairs

"You guessed?" Thoth asked


"I find your dependence no chance troubling. If you continue to survive, I may need to study you further." He examined my face, then said

"Now, which way to the Sphinx?"


We made it to where Set's fire was kept, which was in a pit,then the Sphinx appeared, and he was humongous!, then he said

"Trespassers in the House of the King, answer my riddle or cease to be."

"Go on. I'm waiting." Thoth replied

"I never was. Am always to be. No one ever saw me, nor ever will. And yet I am the confidence of all who live and breathe. What am I?" The Sphinx asks

"Order. You are Order."

Then the Sphinx moved, Horus walks over to Thoth, he says "I never doubted you." Then Horus gets smacked by the Sphinx


"Try again. Please." Horus pleads

"That was a completely suitable answer. You are purity." Thoth says, then Horus gets smacked again

"Wrong, again." The Sphinx smirks

Thoth repeats the riddle

"In the future. Non-existent. Imaginary."

The Sphinx tried to crush him, but he rolls out of the way, and Horus stops the paw

"Yet it exists and never was..."

"Thoth." Horus said while struggling

I formed a whip out of Lunar energy, and wrapped around the Sphinx paw and pulled against him

"Mortals live and breathe, maybe stop thinking like a god!" Bek said

"Then I might as well stop thinking!"

The Sphinx noticed me trying to stop him from crushing Horus and try to pull against me

"Thoth." Horus said again

I thought about the answer then yelled, struggling

"You are tomorrow!"

"Oh, bother." The Sphinx said, then backed away, the whips grip loosened

Then the Sphinx disappeared into sand

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