How you meet (GBBBP2)

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Im might guys you again replace kurenai as their sensei

Good boys, baby boys part two (GBBBP2)


You were sitting in a field tracing the shape of clouds with your fingers, you closed your eyes and began to just absently move your finger in the air, you didn't notice when footsteps approched you, however you did notice when you finger met with something soft, you opened an eye and was met with two big brown eyes, the pretty girl was leaning over you and you finger was pressed against her nose

"Huh? Who are you? Why are you here?" You asked dropping your hand and closing your eye again

"Hey! Don't just close your eyes! Me and my team is here to train and your in the middle of the field" she yelped

"How bothersome" you grumbled before opening you eyes and glaring lazily up at the girl with your narrowed (e/c) eyes you reached up and booped her nose again before sighing and rolling over and getting up, when you stood and brushed yourself you looked over to see the girl, and three other talking amongst themself, you assumed they were her team

"Names (y/n) nara" you stuck your hand out limply

"Tenten, nice to meet you" she shook your hand, you then sighed when a kid with a bowl cut started running over yelling smething about youth and shit, you didn't really pay attention and walked away to sleep in a tree or something

Might gai

You sat reading your book on a rock, waiting for might gai and his team to show up, you looked at kiba who was training with akamaru and then shino, just to make sure they were still there, hinata was coming with might gais team since she and neji lived together

You sighed before snapping your book closed and standing up "shino?" You called to the but loving boy

"Hm?" He hummed in ackknowledgement

"Can yo-" you stopped when you were barreled into by a certain bowl haired sensei, you sighed and just lay there waiting for him to get up

"Ah! (Y/n) sensei! Are you okay" you heard hinatas sweet voice and sighed before putting your arm up with a thumbs up

"I am sorry (y/n)! I am might gai the amazing sensei that you and you wonderful team shall be training with!" He exclaimed luaghing as he got up striking a pose

"Nice to meet you might gai" you sighed as you got before grabbing him and yeeting him across the field "you're late" you said calmly as he screamed through the air before hitting the ground with a oompf


You were attached to your uncles leg as he tried to leave the house so he could train his team

"Uncle asuma! You just got back last night, you can't go! You promised you would train me while kurenai is on a mission! " you whined as you tugged on his leg

"Alright! You can come train with me and my team, alright, then come, get on" he laughed letting you hop onto his back

You opened you eyes to find you were under a tree 'i must of fallen asleep'.  You sat up and blinked your eyes against the sunlight, you looked out on the field and saw a blonde girl and a red-brown haired boy fighting

"Finally your awake, what a drag" you heard a voice say from your side. You looked over, and saw a boy with spiky black hair resembling a pineapple

"I don't remember falling asleep...." you mumbled "who are you? I'm (y/n) sarutobi, asu-asu is my uncle!" You greeted smiling

"How troublesome," he mutterd "i'm shikamaru nara"

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