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The next morning I woke up from my phone ringing. Addison was calling me.
Ad- Sorry if I woke you up, there is a party at a friend's house, wanna go shopping?
E- Yeah, should I wake Avani up?
Ad- I was about to ask you. Meet me in my room in 30 minutes.
E- Sure, okay!

I got off the bed and woke Avani up.
E- There is a party tonight, we are going shopping with Addison.
Av- Okay.
We got ready and headed to Addison's room.

We ended up buying some really cute dresses. Mine was a pastel blue tight dress.

We went back to the hotel and changed into our bathing suits because we are going to the beach with the others.
J- Damn baby. you look good.
E- Thanks Joshy.
I said as I buried my head on his chest. He grabbed my hand and went swimming with the others.

Once I finished my shower I got ready for the party. I looked at myself in the mirror.
E- Damn, I've gained weight.
Ja- No, you look great. Don't say that about yourself.
Jaden said as he placed his hand on my waist.
Ja- Where is Josh?
E- Umm, I don't know.
Ja- He should be here supporting you. It's obviously not my place to tell you how good you look. He is your boyfriend after all. 
E- Yeah, but they all left earlier, so.
I said as I looked at myself in the mirror once again.
Ja- Come on, let's go. Josh is going to droll when he sees you.
I chuckled and walked out of the room with Jaden. Jaden is one of my best friends, he is really supportive and he would do anything to help me.

I walked into the house that the party was happening. For some reason I got really anxious, Jaden could see that.
Ja- Hey, it's okay. Let's just go find the others.
E- I just have this weird feeling-
Ja- Come on, Avani is right there, let's go.
I walked up to Avani. Bryce and the others were there as well, except for Josh.
E- Have you guys seen Josh.
B- Yeah, he is somewhere upstairs. Probably looking for you.
E- Thanks.
I gave Jaden a side hug and walked upstairs. I started looking in all the rooms.
I opened a door to a bathroom and I almost fainted.
Dixie and Josh were making out.
J- Ellie, it's not what you think.
I heard someone coming our way. It was Bryce, he started yelling at Dixie and Josh. I called Avani and told her to tell the others to come upstairs immediately.
I just stood there in shock. Avani and the others came running. Addison and Avani calmed me down. I looked up and saw Griffin crying, I've never seen him like that. I just looked at Dixie and she gave me the "I'm sorry" look. I just looked at her. Dixie tried to talk to me but Bryce didn't let her.
E- No, I wanna talk to her.
Dixie sat down next to me.
D- I came upstairs, I was looking for a bathroom. Josh pulled me in and started kissing me. I couldn't do anything.
I looked at Josh.
E- Is she saying the truth?
Josh just looked at the floor and nodded. Bryce punched him. 
I broke down crying at the point where I couldn't breathe.
B- Jaden, get her out of here.
Ja- Sure.
Jaden picked me up and we got out of the house. We got in his car, he placed me in the passenger's seat and he started driving somewhere. I got out of the car, we were at the beach. I sat down at the sand and just looked up at the sky.
E- Why me?
Ja- What?
E- Am I not good enough?
Ja- No Ellie, you are truly amazing. I've never met someone like you. Don't you ever talk bad about yourself. 
I placed my head on his shoulder and he placed his head on my head.
Ja- Everything will be alright.

Josh Richards // FanficWhere stories live. Discover now