Hurricane Sandy

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So not a lot of things (paranormal wise) happened to me during Hurricane Sandy except for this. My father works at night and lucky for me, he went to work that night. Since it was nighttime and we didn't have any power at all, I was in my parent's room with my brother. We were both trying to sleep since we didn't know what time it was. My parent's room is right above my Gram's (grandmother's) kitchen. After a few short minutes of silence, my brother and I both hear pots and pans falling. We both thought my Gram was staying up all night, again. My Gram stays up all night for no reason, a lot. We walked out of our parent's room to where my mom was (she was in me and my brother's room) and told her what we heard. She had said she heard it too. All three of us walked downstairs to my Gram's to see her in her bed. We asked her what happened and she said she heard glass falling and breaking. We searched all around the kitchen to find nothing broken or destroyed. I don't know what caused all the sound and neither did my family. We still don't have a reasonable explanation for what happened.

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