Learning New Skills And Strengths.

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One Month Later.

Virgo, Gates. Tucker, Caboose landed on the ground, heavy breathing as they were swearing as hell. Dominic was sitting on a chair while C was scanning their health.

Courtney: Their muscle is sore. Bodies are having stress and need to stop training right now dom.

Dominic: Alright then. You guys can finally take a break.

Virgo: YES!!

Gates: Thank god!

Caboose: Oh, finally!

Tucker: Fuck yeah. Finally taking that extra mile!!

As the fours were getting up and getting into the bases. Dominic and Courtney would pull out a sniper rifle and looks at the red base. Before going back to blues base, Virgo and gates would go to the armory and see something interesting. They see a cube-like object and have some words on it. Strength Unit.

Virgo: Soooo. What do you think is this?

Gates: I don't know to be honesty? It looks like a cube.

Virgo: I know right but what so special about it.

Tucker would enter the room.

Tucker: Sup guy, Woah! What the fuck is this?

Virgo: We don't know to be honest. Do you know what this is?

Tucker: No cap, but no! 

Virgo: Then what is this?

Gates: Well, it's called Strength Unit. But what does it do?

Virgo: I don't know but who wants to try it out?

Gates/Tucker: Virgo!!

Virgo: What, it called a strength unit so we can think that it can boost the people's strength right?

Gates: You know, that could work but what would be the side effect?

Tucker: That's a good question, maybe being weak?

Gates: Maybe. Caboose, can you come here, please.

Caboose: (Shouting) Coming!

Caboose comes into the room and looks at the strength unit.

Caboose: What is that?

Virgo: A strength unit. 

Caboose: What a strength unit do?

Virgo: I don't know?

Gates: Yeah, but let's try!

Virgo/Tucker: Gates, wait!

Gates would then install the Strengths unit into Caboose Mark V armor, this would add a bit of electricity on caboose armor and caboose visor would changes color to blue before going back to yellow.

Caboose: Woah! I feel strong now.

Virgo: How strong?

Caboose: Strong enough to carry Shelia!

Gates: Ooooooo, let's see about that!

Virgo: Tucker, call Shelia.

Tucker: Got it, Shelia. Can you come here?

Shelia: Can't, my tank bodies can't go to the armory.

Tucker: Alright, we'll come there then. Let's go then.

Red vs Blue Season 1 /w Virgo Fuarelu [Rewritten/Au.]Where stories live. Discover now