Wolf!Nightmare x Fox!Cross

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Oneshot #5
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Sorry for not updating!
Memes and laziness had me really comfortable in the bed.
And sorry for not thinking of a title for this one.
But here we go!

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Cross didn't know how to feel. Well he did feel hurt after getting shot in the leg when he was making a run from the village. Not a lot of blood came out, so he was safe.

The villagers were chasing him because he was a fox. And they thought Foxes brought a disease to humans, which they didn't. It was actually the rats and mouses us foxes chase into their villages.

And the humans instead of doing research, quickly blame foxes. Dumbasses.

Cross gave out sight of relief when he spotted a lake. He jumped inside and started to swim to the other side. He knew the humans had dogs who were great sniffers. So he probably could make them lose his trail by getting wet in the lake.

As Cross got out of the lake, he first gave himself a good shake, to get some water out of his fur, but suddenly, he heard barks and five splashes. He turn around to see five hunting dogs swimming towards him. He gave a terrified gasp as he then saw the humans. He quickly ran, as the dogs got out of the water, and not bothering to shake the water off.

Cross panted as he kept on running. Hoping the humans didn't cross the river.


He kept on running. And he guess he was running almost the whole night. Because he saw the sky getting brighter. But he could still hear the dogs behind him. He didn't know how they kept on going, even after hours of no stopping. And why didn't the humans just give up! They probably did, but the dogs didn't listen.

He then stopped in front of a large boulder and layed down. He didn't care if the dogs got him and kill him. Soon the five dogs were in front of him. Growling and barking at him. Cross didn't care. He just lay on the ground ready to be killed and then brought to their humans. He closed his eyes, ready for teeth to sink in his flesh. But none came. Instead he heard whimper, someone landing in front of him and then running.

Cross only heard a yelp and then silence. He was confused. What happened.

He open his eyes to see an animal heading towards him. Cross didn't want to stand up since he was tired from being chased through all the night, without getting a rest. But still wanted to run, since this animal was larger than the dogs that were chasing him.

Soon, Cross got a perfect view of the animal. It was a wolf. Not any wolf. But the black wolf. Those were rare. They are nicknamed The Shadows by humans and other animals. I know, so original. But the worst part is how they kill you. They have many techniques. And Cross doesn't want to know. The wolf had a scar over his right eye. This guy is probably tough.

But to Cross' surprise, the wolf looked at him, gave him the "Frisk face" (He really doesn't know what that means, he just heard humans say that when some one does that face). Turn around and left.

Cross was confused at this point. So he gathered enough strength to stand up and followed him. Only to be limping from his leg that was shot. But still made his way towards the wolf. "Hey!"

The wolf turn around to see him limping towards him. He gave him a confused look. "Why didn't you killed me?" The wolf just rolled his eyes.

"You looked like a wolf," He said. Cross look confused. He look at himself and saw he was white. Wait, he now remembers. As he was running away from the hunters and dogs a bucket with water fell on him. It was white paint and must have been a permanent paint, since it didn't come off when he went through the lake. That was it. "But when I got a perfect view, I felt like an idiot. But at least I got some food." Cross just look at him. The wolf then got something from the ground. It was the body of one of the dogs that was chasing him. Cross had to cover his eyes, duo to the dog had his neck tear open.

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