The "Twelve" Dinner

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Both guy and girl Six sat at the dinner table.

Seating Chart:

Cath Of Aragon ----------- Kris Of Aragon
Anne Boleyn ------------ Adam Boleyn
Jane Seymour ----------- Jack Seymour
Anna Of Cleves ------------- Axel Of Cleves
Kitty Howard --------------- K Howard
Cathy Parr ----------------- Kris Parr

Kris Parr: Nice meal.

Jane: Thank you. I made it myself.

*Kitty pokes at her salad then eats it*

Catherine Of Aragon: *quietly takes a third helping of mashed potatoes*

Anne: *eats only the chicken*

*Jack silently eats*

(Yeah, It's pretty quiet at the table.)

Kris Howard: So, Kitty, Right?

(Kit looks up.) Hm?

Kris: I LOVE your hair. What conditioner do you use?

Kitty: Oh, Well I forgot what it's called, But I'm glad to lend it to you.

Kris: Wow, Thanks.

Christian Of Aragon: (Yes I'm changing it from Kristin to Christian.) Hey, Catherine. Do you believe there is a god?

Catherine: Of course there is a god.

Christian: Of course he's real. I have a whole book about him. Would  you like to see?

Catherine: *Looking very interested* Sure.

(Soon everyone was talking and chatting)

(After dinner...)

Jane Seymour: *Washing up all the dishes*

*btw it's its 12:07*

Jane: *Hums quietly while there is dim light, and everything around her is dark.*

*a door creaks open*

Jane: Huh? Kit, Was that you?

*no reply*

?: Help...

Jane: Huh? Hello?


Jane: Hello?

?: Excuse me.

Jane: Yes? Who are you?

?: Sorry, Seymour.

Jane: huh? Excuse me?

?: runs away

Jane: *looks outside* Wait!


Jane: She's....Gone?

*Jane looked down and saw a box*

Jane Seymour: What is this?

*Jane opened the small box and found a note*

Dear Jane Seymour,

It's me. Henry. I'm sorry about everything and I know you will never forgive me. I secretly stole your key to free myself. I'm sorry but I can't stand being locked in a horrible place. I'm sorry, Seymour but I think I can somebody better.

Dearest, Henry

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