In an alternate universe, Six is bad. All the queens become there counterparts and turn evil. Instead of running to Henry, Henry runs to THEM.
What if the Queen's music is powerful and evil? What if Henry was the good guy?
What If Six Were The Bad...
Aragon, Boleyn, Seymour, Cleves, Howard, And Parr are sitting in a room drinking tea while staring at a history book. Parr is standing, arms crossed. She was leaning on the wall.
Aragon is busy studying a bible, And Boleyn is tying the tudor rose on Howard's head. Seymour is looking at a picture of Henry the eighth. Cleves was listening to 'Get Down', and nodding her head.
Aragon puts down the bible.
Catherine Of Aragon: We can't all rule England! *She stands up*
Anne Boleyn: Why not?
Catherine Of Aragon: I Don't know! *She then looks embarrassed* There should be one to rule England.
Anna Of Cleves: Hm? *Takes out one earbud* Whatcha' say?
Katherine Howard: Aragon just wants to rule England.
Anna Of Cleves: I Don't care. I already have all the money I need and a palace in Richmond. *Cleves smiled and popped her earbud back in*
Catherine Of Aragon: Shut up, Howard! Your too young to rule England!
Katherine Howard: Be quiet, Aragon. You just want to rule England just because you were the first queen!
Catherine Of Aragon: You be quiet, Little girl. *Aragon got angrier*
Anne Boleyn: Shut up, Aragon! Your mad cause-
Catherine Parr: Guys, Check this out. It's us.
*K Howard leaned in*
K Howard: Cool!
Catherine Of Aragon: *Blushes and turns away*
Oops. Sorry bout that. That's Six's Counterpart. This will never get noticed but yeah. I'll write more.---Wait, Wasn't this the beginning of the book?
Didn't this already happen? Y'know, When I had like 3 readers?
Kitty: Wait, This happened already..
Boleyn: Huh...Did it work?
Kitty: I think it did!
Seymour: Thank the gods, We're safe now.
Catherine: Aren't we going to die again?
Seymour: Wait, I have to check something.
She rushes down to the basement.
Henry: How did I get here... I thought I was at the club...
Seymour: You've been back in the handcuffs.
Henry: J-jane... Look, About everything...
Seymour: Shut it, Henry. You don't love me. *tears filled up her eyes*
Henry: Of course I do...
Seymour: *le cries in British*
Henry: *grabs Seymour's waist and smirks* Just give me a chance... I'm sure it'll be okay when--
Seymour: (pushes him) No, Henry. I'm not as naive as I used to be. How could I trust you anymore?
*her eyes glowed grey*
Seymour: In every story, You are always the villain, Henry!
*Seymour began floating*
Seymour: I'm done with this treatment, Henry!
Henry: Seymour, Give me a chance to explain myself-
Seymour : THAT'S ENOUGH!
*Seymour began singing, and Henry seemed to have a seizure. He was shaking and his eyes were ghostly white. A loud high pitch scream was heard*
Seymour levitates down.
Seymour: H-Henry? Oh... Oh my God.... I.. I killed him...
*Henry's lifeless body was on the floor, And Henry's pupils were gone. He was pale and well.... He was dead.
Seymour looked at her bloody hands and saw blood around Henry's mouth and neck. Her whole hand was dripping blood on her dress.