Diagon Alley

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H/c.    hair color
E/c      eye color
Y/n.    your name
M/n    middle name
L/n      last name
F/c.      favorite color
W/w    wand wood
W/c      wand core
(Just going to do 12 inches for the length sorry guys)
F/c       favorite color
F/f       favorite flower

If I need to add more I will later.

The busy Alley was bustling with people getting ready for the school year. Footsteps on cobblestone, chattering voices, and bells echoed loudly. Owls flew overhead, hooting every now and then. It was truly a magical sight. I was busy watching the owls carry parcels overhead when a tight hand grabbed my bicep. "Y/n! We need to hurry and get your robes fitted before our appointment gets cancelled!" A sharp voice stated. Mother.

"Yes, Mother." I sighed, rolling my eyes. She was precise, and always on time. Her blue eyes peirced my very soul when she saw me roll my eyes. She took a deep breath and led the way to Madame Malkin's.  A clothing shop. My mother immidiatley went to the front desk behind a somewhat stout woman with gorgeous red hair. To the sides of her were several children. All of which had red hair. They were all quiet, due to the snacks they were eating. Though, I suspected that there was more than just the snacks keeping them quiet. Perhaps a silencing charm. My mother had cast that spell on me several times whilst shopping when I was you get.

I watched as two pairs of doe brown eyes gazed around the shop. They seemed impressed to say the least. Though, I couldn't understand why. Suddenly, one of them looked at me. He waved and gave me a michevious grin. I gave him a nod, and waved "hello". He nodded and tried to speak, but no audio came out. He sighed and shrugged. I gave him a sympathetic smile. He looked at his mother who was waiting for someone to come up to the desk, then back at me.

He made a goofy face, causing me to snicker. My mother flicked the back of my head. "Ouch!" I complained, rubbing the injury. She pursed her lips and gave me a silent warning. "Keep Quiet." I sighed and rolled my eyes once more. I glanced over at the ginger  who grit his teeth and mouthed an apology. Finally, a woman appeared at the desk, and had an assistant tend to the ginger family.

"Percy, come this way. Fred, George, wait by the window and keep out of trouble." The stressed woman asked. She flicked her wand and the two gingers sighed audibly. They rushed themselves to the front of the shop and sat on a leather couch. They waved at me, and began to speak with each other.

"Y/n, keep up now." My mother reminded me as we were escorted to a measuring station. Two different women took my measurements quickly and began to speak with my mother. As soon as I let my rigid figure relax my mother flicked the back of my head to remind me to not slouch. Scowed at her, and immidiatley the hem of her robes were engulfed in white flames. My mother shrieked, as did the two assistants.

It was put out quickly and I smirked quickly. "That'll teach her." I thought. I wasn't going to grow up to be a proper ministry official as she wished. My mother glowered at me and told me to wait by the doors. I thanked her and walked away from her. I was glad to be away from her for a few minutes. She would pick out the fabrics, and pick the most flamboyant stitching and embroidery for my school robes.

I sighed as I took a seat by the window. The two gingers scurried towards me and took a seat on my left and right. "I'd say we met the catch of the century George!" The one on my left grinned. "A proper young lady on the outside, and a raging menace within." He continued.

"I dunno Fred, what do you have to say about this?" George, the one on my right asked with genuine curiosity.

"I'm afraid I have no idea what you're talking about boys." I replied with a soft and even tone. "Care to explain?"

~Lumos~ George Weasley x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now