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Y/n paced the floor, muttering nonsense under her lips, thinking as she awaited the boy's return. This detention was one of the longer ones they had, which worried her. She looked at the crimson and gold throw pillows, the way the gold glinted in the firelight. She was now beginning to have bittersweet feelings toward fire.

She always waited by the fireplace whenever she expected someone. Most of the time, she was expecting them just to talk. Other situations were similar to this one. A petite and delicate clock sat on top of the fireplace. Similar to the rest of the room, it had the bold red and gold color scheme, only this clock didn't work.

The rubies winked and glittered as the fire threw shadows and light across the room. The golden frame was delicate and intricate, but made sure it was known as the light danced across it. Y/n stared at the clock, hoping it would tell her the time.

How long her friends had been punished.

How long they were gone.

When they would be back.

When would they be finished.

And when would George be back in her arms once more?

Though she hated to admit it, she missed him more than she missed Fred. She wanted George back now, Fred could come back seconds or minutes later. She knew that in those moments she could spend them with George. Alone. They would be together.

Frustrated, she ran her fingers through her hair, and continued to pace the floor. She saw the portrait open and she quickly turned around to see Harry Potter.

She sighed visibly and continued to pace the floor. She was sure that the carpet would have visible tracks of where her feet had been. You were always friendly towards Harry, though the two of you never really talked. When you did it wasn't awkward, and neither of you weren't unhappy with talking to eachother. Every now and then you'd see eachother in the halls, exchange news and depart, or even check in on eachother.

Harry looked as if he wanted to ask what was wrong, he took a few steps forward, but decided against it when the portrait opened once more. He made his way to his dormitory as Y/n stopped her constant pacing once more.

"Hey Y/n, you haven't seen Harry anywhere have you?" Ron asked.

"Yeah. Dormitory." She replied flatly.

"Thanks Y/n." He nodded, and made his way up the stairs.

"Ron, wait, I have a question." She timidly walked over to Ron, and looked at him with worry. "can I borrow the map? Please. It's important." She begged him silently.

"I'll see if Harry will let me borrow it but I can't promise anything." Ron shrugged.

"Ron, please. I'm begging you. Something isn't right. If Harry won't give it to you, find out where it is and tell me. I'll steal it myself if I have to. Just try." She stated with both determination and helplessness.

"No need Y/n." A tired voice announced. "here, I can't do anything with it right now. Just make sure it gets back to me." Harry handed the map to Y/n gingerly.

"Thank you Harry." She half-hugged him and quickly unlocked the map. "I sollemly swear that I am up to no good." Her eyes scanned the map for one of the twins. They were in McGonagall's office, with Umbridge. Her eyes widened quickly and she shoved the map into Harry's arms. "thank you, both of you. Anything you need and I'll do my best to get it done." She grabbed a pearl beaded butterfly clip from out of her bag, along with a sack of galleons before rushing off to her friend's aide.

She clipped some of her hair back, while running so she could look somewhat presentable in Umbridge's presence. She knew her head of house wouldn't care too much.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2020 ⏰

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