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The rest of the way to the castle, my brother and his girlfriend sat with Fred, George, and myself. It was quiet and tense. I ignored my brother and drew on the windows. It was getting colder outside. Fred and George left to change into robes 5 minutes into the uncomfortable silence leaving me with the two insufferable love struck teenagers.

"So, Y/n, what house are you hoping to get in?" Anne-Marie asked, holding my brother's hand. She smiled at him, then looked at me with a hint of disgust in her coffee brown eyes.

I'd be fine with any, so long as you aren't in it. I thought. "I don't know. Which house were you wishing for?" I questioned her.

"I was hoping for Slytherin, because I love the color green, and I've always admired the famous witches and wizards that come from that house. However, the hat announced Hufflepuff. Of course, I wasn't disappointed either, because that was my runner up!" She smiled. Inwardly I gagged, outwardly I returned her smile and tried to appear friendly.

"By the way. About correcting you earlier, I didn't want you to come into this compartment because Fred and George are intimidated by my brother. Having you with him would only make matters worse I assumed." I lied. She bought my act.

"Oh, Im sorry to hear that. Let them know I'd never hurt a fly." She giggled. "I'd better change into my robes." She slipped out and left.

"Which house are you hoping for. Honestly?" Daniel questioned. I ignored him. I would never surrender to him. "You're not still mad about Diagon Alley are ya Squirt?" He asked trying to get a smile out of me. I arched my eyebrows, rolled my eyes, scoffed, and dismissed his comment. He appeared hurt, and as much as I love my brother, I knew he needed to feel that hurt. On his day I went. I behaved, and I didn't ask for a single item. Not food, a book, quills, nothing, nada, zilch, zero. Where was he? In his room, sending love letters to his evil girlfriend. How he didn't see it was beyond me. Eventually he left, I changed into my robes, Fred and George came back and we joked about which houses we'd get in.

________time skip to the sorting bc I'm lazy

Everyone watched as us first years walked towards the stool and hat at the front of the dining hall. I wasn't excited, and glad that I wasn't the tallest of the group. I'd hate to be singled out as the tallest. Professor McGonagall explained to us earlier that our houses would be our family for the school year.

We'd respect each other, and help gain points for our house to win the house cup. The hat would sing a song, then sort us into our house.

Slytherin, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, and Gryffindor.

As the professor continued to drone on, I toned out thinking about what else had happened on the train.

•••Earlier My brother, who was in Slytherin, told me that he wouldn't care which house I got sorted in, because we'd still be siblings. Nothing could change that. Shortly after that his obnoxious Anne-Marie asked if he could leave the two of us to talk. Girl to girl. Being the idiot he was, he left. She told me that I'd better stay out of her way so he could... "Stay carefree, happy, and hers." It was almost as if she thought she owned my brother.•••

Fred tapped my shoulder, (or was it George? I couldn't see the nick in his ear. It could've been on the other one.) and nodded his head towards the doors. They were now open wide and full of students who eyed us as if we were prize winning occamies. I was truly terrified, but held my head high. It took a lot to get to where my family was today. Including the death of my father. I wouldn't dare tarnish or disgrace our name after what he died for.

He died so he may have a legacy to carry on his story of bravery, and chilvary. I couldn't let him down. No matter which house I was placed in, I was sure to make our family name one to remember when I was gone. It was my mission, and nothing would stop me. Not love, not money, and not my family.

Whilst remembering my father, my name had come up. I was seated on the stool.
I watched as the hat was lowered onto my  head.

So... You're determined to keep the family name one to honor and remember... You won't let anything stop you, which is a hard task. I would say Hufflepuff, because you're willing to put in the hours and you'll help others because you'll have to make connections to help your future. Yet you don't want to go there...
However, you're not afraid to cut them loose once they've disgraced you. Slytherin perhaps? Though, you are quite well mannered and cunning. Yes. You could succeed there.

Anything but Hufflepuff. That mole rat is in that house. I'd strangle her within seconds.


Rope, magic, curtains, garrote, asphyxiation, it doesn't matter how I do it. If you want an answer though, I'll tell you. Obviously it'll take awhile before it gets done but I have a plan.
1. Brew a Sleeping draught
2. Slip it in her drink or food.
3. Help her to the common room.
3(a?) We're actually going to the astronomy tower
4. Take her wand
5. Obliviate her
6. Shove that git out of the tower.

You wouldn't actually do it, would you?

No, but if I absolutely had to at least I have a plan.

Creative. Talented. Ravenclaw? No... Gryffindor. You have the guts and brawn. You have the brains and a nack for letting your mouth run before you think. Slytherin... Devious. Cunning. Polite. Well mannered mostly.... Which one?

To spite my brother because I know he secretly wants me in-



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