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The rest of the train ride consisted of quidditch, jokes, and the plan of the students demise. We did try and figure out why I didn't remember my vacation, but none of the reasons were any good. We still had a few more hours until we got to the castle, so we decided that we'd do magic.

"Reducto!" I pointed my wand at a misshapen chocolate frog leg, and it turned into ash.

"Oi! I was gon' eat 'at!" Fred complained, trying to speak past his swollen tongue. I looked at him in disgust and pity. Hopefully he wouldn't choke and die. Everyone started to get weary once Fred's tongue touched the floor.

"Should we start shrinking it?" Lee asked, "that doesn't look good."

"I's no' 'possed 'oo." Fred rolled his eyes, and held up a thumbs up, signalling that he was fine.

"This is about to beat the record Fred!" George grinned, watching as the measuring tape measured his tongue. "two more-"

"George." Olivia stated.

"One more-"

"George!" Angelina yelled. "Fred's passed out!"

George let out a string of curses and started to hit his brother in the face. What. An. Idiot. "He can't breath you dolt!" I hissed.

"Reducio!" Angelina cast the spell and the swelling went down slightly. "we need to get to the base of the tongue first." She pointed out.

The 5 of us cast the spell numerous times before Fred took in a giant sized gulp of air. Before choking on his tongue again. Using magic I lifted his tongue out of the way before he almost died again.

"Fanks Y/n." Fred sighed able to breath once more. Once his tongue was back to normal Angelina gave the twins and Lee, an earful. Lee seemed to quake in his shoes, but he tried to hide it. It went in one ear and out the other for Fred, but George actually listened. It went in one ear, but it didn't come out the other. George felt responsible and, dare I say it, guilty, for his actions.

However, they did beat their personal record, not that I wanted to know what it was.

We all changed into our robes, once we forced the boys out of course. Luckily for them, we changed quickly. When they had returned, they were in their robes as well. Angelina went to go fix Fred's tie, and the two ended up making out.

"Get a room!" I sneered. "Gross..." I looked away from them and bekoned Ophelia down from the shelf of the compartment. She hopped into my wrist, and I set her on my shoulder, my long hair draping around her. She rubbed her head against my neck before settling down to sleep. She did this every year, though I don't know how she slept through the ruckus.

Angelina and Fred did end up leaving, thank goodness. I felt bad for any students passing by. George seemed to think the same thing because we both started laughing uncontrollably.

Olivia went to go speak with some of her other friends, and Lee decided to wreak some havoc. He extended George an invitation, but he declined. Odd. I thought. After a few minutes,  George started a conversation.

"Are you mad at me?" He asked.

I was startled by his sudden question. "Why would I be mad at you?" I questioned him.

"For trying to get you with Harry of course. Why else?" He frowned. "it was unfair to you."

"Can we not-"

"I even tried to set you up with Ron!" He scoffed.

"George I'd rather not discuss this right now." I felt my face getting warm.

"I was inconsiderate, rude, and I was a prick. I'd be furious at me if I were you!" He added.

"Please, I dont want to talk about this." I growled at him. Dawn woke up and fluttered up to the carry-on shelves.

"And while I did this, I continued to pester you about your dress. I burned your homework, and I slipped you a puking pastille! Why are you not mad at me?" He begged. "tell me." He pleaded.

"George... I don't want to talk about last year. It was a bad year for everyone. Okay? You were a jerk and that's fine." I glared at him, wishing for the conversation to end.

"It's not bloody fine Y/n! I was rude, abrasive, and a complete-"

"Of course I was mad! How bloody oblivious can you be?!" I shrieked. "I ignored you, and I was furious. I would purposely sabatoge you in class, but I kept running back. Do you know why? Do you?! Because I-" I stopped myself. No. You don't like him anymore. You can't.  "...because I forgave you." I finished. It wasn't a lie, but it wasn't the whole truth.

"You shouldn't have forgiven me. I wasn't being an acceptable person." He mumbled.

"Let's put it this way, I wouldn't have let you come into my room at Grimmauld Place if I was angry at you. I wouldn't have sung those countless lullabies when you couldn't sleep because of that dam boggart! I wouldn't have helped you cut your hair, and I wouldn't have sat by you at dinner. Let the subject go. It's done. It's over."

George's POV:

"I dont want our friendship to get ruined." She sighed and sunk into her seat.

Pain shot through my heart when she said the word "friendship". I wanted to be more.

She wanted nothing more that what we had.

And it was all my fault.

I should have been better to her.

"Can we...? Still be friends?" I asked meekly.

"Of course." She nodded.

Your POV:

"Can we...? Still be friends?" He asked quietly.

My heart broke when I realized he still didn't see that I wanted more.

What ever happened to not having feelings for him anymore? I asked myself. Don't be daft. I can't stop having feelings for him. It's like reversing the killing curse. It can't be done. I mentally retorted.

"Of course." I nodded weakly.

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