Chapter 1- We're in this together

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You sped to the lab were your fiancé Bruce Banner was working at. It was all over the news. There was something in a gun fight with the US armed forces and local police. You didn't care about the danger, you just wanted to make sure he was ok. You turned on the radio to be updated on the event.

You parked the car when you could hear the gunfire. You disappeared into the surrounding forest and slowly made your way to the lab. You stopped at the forest edge and saw a big green beast tearing through the army. You made your way to the back, away from the Fighting and entered the lab.

Glass and papers littered the floor of Bruce's office. The room was illuminated by the lights outside and the helicopters overhead. You searched his office but he was nowhere to be found. You made your way to his computer that was still open to see what he was working on.

"You were making a gamma ray bomb," you furrow your brow as you go though concerning document and journal entries.

You heard the beast yell before it ran full speed into the forest. You had a feeling that you should follow him and you did. You followed the destruction and it led you to a clearing where you saw the green beast slumped over and breathing heavily. You keep your distance as he shrinks until he's the size a man. He looked familiar," Bruce?"

He turned around and you could see the terror in his eyes," you shouldn't have to see me like that."

"What happened? Did it have something to do with the gamma ray bomb?"

"It went off and l turned into that," he hung his head in shame," you're terrified of me, aren't you?"

You make your way towards him and passionately kiss him and then wrapped your arms around his neck.

"You've seen what I've become. I'm a monster. How can you still love me?"

"You're not a monster, Bruce. I'll admit I don't understand it yet, but I know you and I will always love you."

You hold him for awhile before he speaks," We can't stay here. Run away with me, (Y/N). We can leave the country, and be together without having to constantly be looking over our shoulders."

"Yes. We're in this together. I'll be by your side no matter what."

5 years later

You and Bruce had moved to Kolkata, India. You had gotten married and had a son. You were pregnant before the accident. Unfortunately due to the accident Bruce can't have anymore children.

Bruce still wanted to help people and became a doctor. Kolkata was very different from New York but you didn't mind, you had Bruce and your son, Noah.

You and Bruce lived in a small two bedroom apartment. While Bruce was at work you would take care of Noah and take care of any errands that need to be done. You hear the front door close as you put Noah to bed and kissed him goodnight. You walk out of his room to be greeted by your husband.

"How was your day?," you asked as you smiled and wrapped your arms around his neck.

"It was good," he answered quietly.

You raised an eyebrow and took a step back. You've known him long enough to tell when he's hiding something," what happened?"

"Well...I followed this girl to the outskirts of the city. She told me her father was sick, but it was a lie. A shield agent was waiting for me. They want my help."

"Do they want you or the other guy?" You asked. It was Bruce's idea to come here. He wanted to get away from the US armed forces, who were trying to capture him. Since the move the other guy has rarely come out. You could tell Bruce was proud of that.

"They want me to find an artifact for them that emits a gamma signature they can't track. And I am the leading expert in gamma radiation."

"Are you sure you're up for it. It just.....we left for a reason."

"I'll be fine, (Y/N). If there's a chance of the other guy coming out I'll just think of you and Noah, that always make me feel better."

You smile and gently kiss him," when do we leave?"

"You and Noah should stay."

"Bruce. What did I tell you all those years ago when you asked me to run away with you? We are in this together. I'll be by your side no matter what. We're coming with you."

"It could be dangerous (Y/N). I don't want to put you two in danger."

"You forgot I used to be a shield agent and I have powers. I can take care of us. And you might as well stop fighting with me now, because we are family and family stick together."

He sighed in defeat and kissed your forehead," we leave in the morning."

"I'll start packing," you say as you give him one final kiss before heading to your room.

A few days later

Shield had flown you to New York. It had been awhile since you've seen the advanced tech shield had to offer. Noah was amazed by the ship and starting talking about how he wanted to be a pilot.

When you got to New York you gave Noah to your sister, you both though he'd be safer with her. After saying goodbye, you and Bruce made your way to the helicarrier.

"It hasn't changed at all," you sighed as you took in the sight of your old life.

"Do you miss it?" Bruce asked while he fiddled with his hands.

You grabbed his hands," No. I'm happy with the life we built."

Maria Hill came out to greet us," Thank you for joining us. Mr. Banner allow me to escort you to the briefing room. Ms. Banner is free to join you after she talks with Director Fury."

You give Bruce a kiss before Maria led him away and you made your way towards Fury's office. You knocked on the open door before walking in," you wanted to see me, sir?".

Fury stood from his desk and shook your hand," Ms. Banner its been a while, how is India?"

"Different. Why did you have to drag him back here? You know what happened last time you tried to drag him out of hiding."

"I'm well aware, but we are at war."

"Bruce tells me you're not after the other guy?"

"We need his brain. No one knows gamma radiation like Dr. Banner."

"And where do I come in?"

"If Bruce does loose control, it up to you to make sure he doesn't wreck my helicarrier."

You scoffed. He wanted you to control the other guy," Bruce can't control him, how can I?"

"Figure it out," he ended the conversation by heading to the briefing room as you followed behind him.

He led you to a lab where your husband was working," I'll leave you to it then," fury said before leaving.

"What did fury want from you?," Bruce asked without looking up from his work.

"To stop the other guy, if it comes to that."

"If it came to that would you, hurt him I mean?"

"You know I could do lasting damage if I tried. Anyway, I like to think me and him have an understanding. If I had to use my powers against him," you furrowed your brow as you weighed your choices," it wouldn't feel right."

"Well then you have your answer."

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