Chapter 7- The Aftermath

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As the city recovered from the attack, the team moved into what was now Avengers Tower. You and Bruce were reunited with Noah, who had a new fascination with superheroes. Especially after he found out you had ridden on a Chitauri vehicle and closed the portal.

You became friends with the other avengers, mostly Nat, Barton, and Tony. You still didn't care too much for his nickname for you.

Stark dedicated an entire floor to you, Bruce, and Noah. Noah had his own bedroom and a separate play room, filled with toy figures of the Avengers. His favorite ones were the mini versions of you and the hulk. When you first moved in he spent hours upon hours in that room.

You were in the best shape you've been in for years with the indoor gym on your floor. You managed to master not only your spear, but the sword, knifes, and guns. Tony had made you a signature weapon to replace your spear. It was a silver javelin, meaning it was sharp on both sides. There was also a small button when pressed would release tear gas. This caused you to add a gas mask to your uniform.

When he wasn't with you or Noah, Bruce spent time in his lab or having a therapy session with Tony. You and Bruce still hadn't talked about Hulk's outburst on the helicarrier. But since the attack on New York, the Hulk was nowhere to be seen, which makes you very happy.

"You seem distracted," Bruce asked you from across the small dining table. Noah was in the living room, eating his Dino nuggets in front of the TV.

"We never talked about what happened on the helicarrier with the hulk."

"Oh," Bruce said," I don't have any memory of that."

"I was running from him and he cornered me, if it wasn't for Thor I would be...." You trail off but Bruce still knows what you're trying to say.

"I'm sorry-"

"I had to use my powers on him, Bruce. I didn't want to but I had to."

"You did what you thought you had to."

"I know, but it didn't feel good. I don't like to use my powers on people that should be on my side."

"Then don't. Well find a new way, a better way to stop the hulk."

You both went back to eating as you sat with his words. You liked the idea of finding a way to stop the hulk's rampage that didn't include you hurting him.

After you put Noah to bed, you and Bruce went to sleep in your room. Ever since the helicarrier you've been scared to sleep, because when you did hulk was there. You would cower under his massive frame and beg him not to kill you, but he never listened.

You'd wake up with sweat beading down your forehead. This time you had woken up Bruce, he asked you what was wrong.

"Bad dream," you tell him," go back to sleep," you get out of bed. You walked to the living room and sat on the couch. You knew logically Hulk wouldn't hurt you, but a part of you thought otherwise. And that part was not satisfied by logic.

"(Y/n)," you heard his soft voice behind you.

Once you acknowledged him, he walked and sat on the couch beside you," It wasn't just a bad dream, was it?"

You can barely meet his eyes, but when you do you only see him, no hulk; no monster.

"We tell each other everything," he said," we're a team."

You gave him a small smile," I guess we are," you sighed," but I don't know if you can handle it."

He furrowed his brows and scooted closer to you," I can't say how I'll feel, but I won't hate you, dear."

"I think the hulk is a monster...and I'm afraid of him," a tear fell from your eye as you rested you head on Bruce's shoulder," Every time I close my eyes, I see him."

Bruce put his arm around you as he took in this information," I'll find a way to contain him if it happens again, you'll never have to go through that again."

"I'm sorry, Bruce-"

"Don't be. What you went through was traumatic and you're allowed to have your feelings about it," he said as he kissed your head."

"I love you, Bruce," you kissed him on the lips.

He deepened the kiss before pulling away to say," I love you, (y/n)."

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