Chapter 4- I Get Knoked Down

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Everyone in the lab flys in different directions. Fury and Thor fall to the ground behind a table. Tony and Steve are blown to the entry way. Banner, you, and Natasha fly out the Wishbone lab and into the lower equipment room.

Natasha's leg is trapped under a very large pipe. She tried pulling herself painfully free. You quickly pull yourself up and help free Natasha.

Banner is in the corner spazing out, he is fine but he is making very wired moments. You know what comes next. You grab Natasha forcefully," get out of here. Help the others."

She says nothing as she turns and runs, leaving you with Bruce. You look over to Banner, who is breathing heavy, having landed hard. He is gripping the grated flooring to maintain control, but his eyes are green, his face intense.

He struggles to suppress the rage, but his face is growing, changing slowly.

"Honey? Bruce, you gotta fight it. This is just what Loki wants. We're gonna be okay. Listen to me. I'm here to help you."

Two maintenance guys run in.

"You hurt?" One of them asks.

You wave them away and turn your attention back to Bruce,"We're gonna be okay. Right? I promise you I will get you out of this, we will walk away, and never ever-"

Bruce growls," You promise?"

His voice has the change in it -- the bitter amusement is morphing to a growled threat. Banner begins to transform into the Hulk, shirt tearing, he throws himself away from you. Your heart beats rapidly and you feel that your breathing is shallow.

He turns to look at you, transforming -- just as the lights go out.


The transformation completes and Banner's alter ego, the Hulk, gets unsteadily to his feet, and roars. The Hulk turns to look at you. You turn and run up the catwalk stairs as the Hulk chases you. You swings over a catwalk, and rolls under a turbine, as the Hulk tears down the stairs. You jump through small places as the Hulk grabs after you, roaring loudly. You crawl away under pipes.

The place is dark. You sneak under an engine to hide. You hears the footsteps. You search your body for weapons and only find a dagger, tiny and probably wouldn't even give the hulk a paper cut. holding it ready you moves out from the pips and walk.

Suddenly, the Hulk jumps at you, roaring. You throw the knife at him, temporarily confusing him. You start running and run along a narrow passage, the Hulk crashing through behind you. He catches up to you fast. Just as you make it to the end he back hands you against a wall.

He steps towards you. You grown, unable to move, scared. He raises a fist, about to strike, when he is tackled through a wall by Thor.

They are in the lower docking area. The two roll into a docking area with planes and personnel run from the room. The two circle one another, as you followed them and duck behind a container as you tried to calm down.

Then the Hulk strikes, throwing wild punches as Thor ducks and weaves. Hulk brings down a fist and Thor holds it above him, on his knees.

"We're not your enemies, Banner! Try to think!"

Hulk punches Thor across the room and through a container.

Thor flies in some stacked containers. He slides across the floor on one knee and one leg out. He wipes a little blood from his nose. The Hulk roars and Thor looks up, grinning, and raises his hand. Mjolnir comes flying through the docking area and Thor catches it just as the Hulk charges through and hits him on the jaw -- sending him into a plane.

Hulk get up and rips the wing off the plane, flinging it at Thor, who ducks, causing the wing to hit a jeep. Thor throws Mjolnir. The Hulk catches the hammer but is pulled backwards. He tries to lift the hammer but cannot. Thor picks it up and wraps his arms around the Hulk's neck. Hulk tries swinging Thor off.

Hulk and Thor crash through the floor of the Wishbone lab. Thor lays on the ground, he looks up, and Hulk grabs him by the throat.

You can't stand by any more. You run out into the open and yell out to hulk," Hey! Remember me?"

He throws Thor to the side and turns to you and roars. He runs towards you but before he could get to you, you used your powers to make him think he was in pain. He collapsed and held his leg. It felt like it was broken, but in reality it was all in his head.

"You need to stop fighting. You don't have to be a monster."

He roared loudly as he struggled to stand and take heavy footsteps towards you. Next you caused pain throughout his chest and it slowed hulk's movements even more.

You couldn't stop now. You brought the pain back to his legs, causing him to crash to his knees. You brought the pain to his head and his hands immediately covered his ears as he let out a deafening roar.

Thor charged forward and slams into hulk. You back up out of the way as they now fight, seemingly evenly matched.

Suddenly there is a jet outside of the window and the pilot fires his guns toward Hulk. The barrage of bullets bounce off of Hulk. He roars, running at the window. Hulk crashes through it, leaping at the jet. Hulk lands on the nose of the jet and tears at the metal asit swerves in the air. The pilot tries to eject himself but the Hulk grabs him and throws him off to the side. The pilots parachute opens and the plane explodes, sending Hulk plummeting to the earth.

You run to the edge of the now broken window and look down," Bruce!"

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