Chapter 1: Am I.....a Blight?

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The bell of Hexside School of Magic and Demonics rang as the students filled out after a hard day's work, heading back to their various homes. Among them was Amity Blight as she was doing a bit of homework while she was walking home. It was fairly easy for her as she alternated between looking up and down from time to time. The walk home was more than enough to do over half of it and she arrived home before she knew it.

"Hmm, took a lot faster than I thought." Amity commented as she put her homework away and went inside her home.

After heading into the den to finish the rest of her homework, Amity had heard her siblings, Edric and Emira, talking in the living room about something.

"Hard to believe it's been so long since that day, huh?" Edric said as they sat on the couch.

"Yeah and it almost seems like nothing as big as that has happened since." Emira said to her twin. "I can hardly believe it happened but it did."

'Hardly believe what happened?' Amity thought as she stepped into the room fully and took her siblings by surprise.

"Amity!" Emira shouted as she jumped up from her spot while Edric screamed like a girl in fear and fell from the couch.

This caused Amity to be very curious about what they were talking about, having never seen her siblings actually flinch or jump in fear in her presence before. It was either a joyful teasing or a confident teasing, but never fear.

"What were you guys talking about?" she asked them as Edric got up from the floor.

"Uh, nothing, Mittens! We were just talking about something we heard of at school, that's all! Nothing you should worry about." Emira said while looking nervous, Edric doing the same. "And we're gonna continue this conversation in our room. Come on, Edric!"

Before she could say anything about it, the twins hurried to their room and left Amity in the den with her curiosity still high. She didn't like one bit, whenever they kept secrets from her, Amity always thought it was for some prank on her or at school. So, she followed them to their room and used a spell to help her listen to them through the door.

"That was close, Em. Amity almost heard us." Edric said with a sigh of relieve.

"I told you we shouldn't have talked about it but you didn't listen to me!" Emira said with frustration in her voice. "Just what do you think would've happened if Mittens heard us talking about her?! Who knows how she'd react to this secret?"

This made Amity drop her jaw in shock as they revealed that the secret was about her but what could it be? How long have they known it? And do their parents know about it too?! So many more thoughts went through her head but they stopped after Amity heard her siblings walking to the door.

'Gotta go!' Amity thought before rushing to her room and quickly shut the door.

She sat on her bed and took out her homework, still being more than halfway done on the walk home, and pretended to do it as she heard the door open and her siblings look in the room at her. They see their ittle sister doing her homework, thinking she just went to her room without hearing their conversation.

"Hey, Mittens. Doing your homework?" Emira asked her.

"Fine. Same as usual." Amity said while looking over her work.

"Good, good." Edric said as he nodded to his sister, thinking they were in the clear. "So, what are you doing besides your homework? Writing Luz a love letter?"

Added with the shock of a possible hidden family secret, Amity was not in the mood for their teasing and did something rash, picking up a chair and throwing it at them with a blush on her face.

"AHH!" the twins screamed in panic as they quickly shut the door, letting the chair slam against it.

Both twins breathed heavily as they stood with their backs against the door, extremely surprised by such a violent outburst by their little sister. Usually, she would groan and walk away in a huff but she would never get violent with them.

Amity groaned at them before thinking back to what they were talking about. What was this secret, why were they so determined to hide it, and how was she going to find out?

Hours later, after finishing her homework and having dinner, Amity was laying awake in her room and couldn't sleep a wink. Her mind was still cluttered by this secret her family was keeping from her and it wouldn't leave until she solved it, but if it was going to interfere with her sleep, maybe she should at least forget it enough to get some sleep.

'Maybe a glass of water will help.' Amity thought as she got out of bed and headed down to the kitchen for a drink.

The trip took only a few minutes and she was currently making her way back to her room but she then stopped at her siblings' room once again as she heard them talking once more, still awake like her.

'Still awake, huh? Maybe this time I can hear what you're talking about.' Amity thought as she moved to the door, using her magic to listen in on them once again.

"We cut it close today, sis. We almost spilled the bean on Amity's secret." Edirc said too his sister.

"Don't remind me, I don't even wanna know how she would react if we brought this up." Emira said to her.

"Yeah, leave the past where it is, the quote says. And Mitten's past needs to stay were it is." Edric said to her while Amity became shocked by this news.

Her past? They were trying to keep her from finding out about her past? But she was a Blight, for as long as she could remember, this life was all she had known! Was there some secret about they kept, was there some repressed memory she buried?! There were so many possibilities, that she didn't even notice that the hand she was holding her glass of water in was shaking so violently! Amity even began to panic and hyperventilate a bit before the glass slipped from her hand and fell to the floor, shattering to piece and piercing the hall with the sound. The sound snapped her out of her trance before hearing her siblings getting up from bed to rush to the door, Amity moved much faster than earlier and rushed to her room, silently and quickly shutting the door before jumping into bed and pretending to sleep.

Back with the Blight twins, they had opened their door to look around for the breaking sound and looked down to see broken glass with a puddle of water on the floor before their door. As they stared at it, a single thought came to both of their minds.

'Amity was here and she heard us.' They thought as they turned down the hall to her room, feeling a pit of worry build in their stomachs.

If Amity couldn't sleep before, she wasn't going to be sleeping for a LONG time now with the thoughts of whatever happened in her past floating in her minds. Not knowing just how long this would consume her mind.

"They know something about my past, something that I don't even know about." Amity said as she gripped her sheets. "I have to- no, I NEED to find out what it is."

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