Florida Man Strikes (10)

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The morning in the Jones household was surprisingly not all that different with the nations.

Alfred, Jonathan, and the DCs woke up at 6:30 per usual before waking up about 5 states to help with breakfast. The few that always helped with breakfast were Vermont, Idaho, Iowa, Georgia, and Florida.

Since Georgia had to help with breakfast she woke China up and brought him down to help as that was what her father said to do.

"Okay Mister Yao, We have to go to the orchard before we head and help in the kitchen, Flora will be out there too so be careful. FM is always with her. "

Yao looked at the state confused as he followed her toward the large orchard of Fruit trees.

"Who is FM?" Georgia simply sighed.

"It's Florida's Croc. She named him Florida Man, or FM for short."

"Aiya! We have those in China. I'm sure he won't be a problem."

Georgia almost laughed but held it back.

"Okay Mister, just... Be careful around him. Also, I'm pretty sure You have gators. Not Crocs"

They proceeded to pick about four baskets of peaches before deciding it was enough.

Of course, They hadn't encountered Flora...Yet.

The sound of large snapping quickly ruined the streak as a sixteen-year-old blonde came walking up to the two, a large reptile following with some baskets of oranges on its back.

Her electric blue eyes meeting china's brown ones. She was in a black bikini top and some ripped jean shorts along with some blue flipflops. She had some sunglasses perched on her head.

"Your China right? Nice to meet you!" She smiled along with another large snap from her gator. "And FM says 'Hi' too!" She said as she threw the Crocodile one of her produce. FM crushed the large orange in his jaws easily.

China scanned the Croc in horror. He had Alligators back home that only grew to half the size of Croc.

Now, China was concerned. America was letting this creature near kids?!

After that, Breakfast went on without a hitch. The food was delicious and several states washed dishes afterward.

In all fairness, Lunch was just as peaceful. So far the house had been free of chaos.

Peace cannot last in this household though as shouts emerged from the backyard near the pond.

The nations moved to see the commotion. There was a decent crowd about 10 yards from the commotion.

Penny had already drug Gilbert to the front and Nathan was taking bets. As the nations got to the front they saw two girls fighting.

Louisiana and Florida.

"Look, I said I'm sorry! But how could I know that you were saving that one for someone else."

"It was labeled 'Candy'!"

"I thought it meant it was hers!"

"She isn't even allowed in there! Its OUR prank house Louise!"

The two continued to bicker as penny got excited.

"Yes! Finally! I told Mister Prussia. This is one of the most awesome things that happen."

"What is about to happen Mini Me?"

"Gator Fight. See these two get into petty fights all the time and have their pets fight to win the argument. FM, Florida's Croc usually wins. But Benny, Louise's Gator, wins in other ways. Like being allowed in the house because he won't do something unpredictable, like attempting to eat silverware."

As if on cue, two large reptiles came out of the pond. They were both fairly large but one was about 23 feet long and the other about 18 feet. The larger of the two moved to its place next to flora while the smaller moved to Louise.

"I think we should settle this, Gator to Croc."

"Agreed. FM, Show him who's boss. "

"Let's go, Benny."

The two large reptiles moved toward each other aggressively. The nations were somewhat worried about children fighting via Croc and Gator.

Benny and Florida Man began to snap their jaws at one another, attempting to snap louder than the opponent.

They circled around each other as they did so, threatening to attack at any moment.

This went one for at least twenty minutes. The cheers of states filled the air as they cheered for their choice in champion.

"Is this normal?" Germany asked Timothy.

"Yeah, stuff like this is constant. Don't worry though it's just about 3 pm. It'll end relatively soon."

Two words.

It took only two words to completely stop the mess in the backyard.

Georgia, who had been inside with china, opened the back door and calmly spoke.

"Tea's ready." Flora and Louise immediately looked at each other and whistled, effectively stopping the reptilian fight as the states ran inside.

Texas stood next to Allison and Arthur as ten large drink dispensers were brought onto the dining room table along with some red plastic cups and sharpies.

Alex had to admit the look of confusion on the Brit's face was nice but he wanted to inform England.

"Where is the tea?" Arthur mumbled. Alex just smirked.

"Are ya going to get some? Us south states make the best tea in the U.S. of A! It's the most refreshing drink in the states if not the world. Georgia's Iced Sweet Tea is the best of the best."

England's face contorted to shock and almost disgust.

"Iced Tea .... Iced.. Sweet tea... What have you done?! You've ruined tea as a whole!" Any state that heard Arthur's freakout just snickered.

"We made it better old man. It's kinda the American way. You're welcome."

"How DARE you claim that this is better! Tea is supposed to be served Hot and Bitter to warm the soul and calm down the soul. This.. This monstrosity is not a bloody improvement! How could you ruin something as simple as proper bloody TEA!?"

England went into a full-on meltdown and lecture but Texas just sat there and watched with a smile as he drank his Sweet tea.

Laughter and joke spread through the crowd but Allison wanted the brit to cease his petty lecture, so she took a deep breath. Smirking she sang loudly over the crowd.

"I am not throwing away my shot" She started before the majority of the crowd began singing along.

Soon enough they were all singing the entire song of 'My Shot'.

Even Alfred sang along with his children, taking the Aaron burr lines as well as the general lyrics.

In the end, they sang all the way to 'Right Hand Man" and everyone was too tired, from doing all the choreography of several of those songs, for a proper dinner. Alfred went around and got everyone's order for a to-go order at a somewhat local cafe.

He and Alex went and picked up the order before they all ate in drowsy peace.

The night didn't last much longer as most the states went to bed, bidding adieu to the first official day of the nations staying over.

Only 29 more to go.

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