Dinner (8)

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They entered and Alfred got out a box of keys. The countries were put in pairs for rooms. The room pairs were as followed;
France and England,
Belarus and Hungary
Germany and Prussia,
Italy and Romano,
Japan, and China

Canada and Russia were allowed their own rooms next to Alfred's.
"These are your room keys. They have the number on them if you need help you can ask Madison or Mary. They are usually talking in the garden. If you don't know where that is then just ask someone and they will happily give you directions. Probably. "

 Alfred checked his watch and then moved to the kitchen, Arthur and Francis followed. The American almost screamed but instead let out a small yelp as he saw one of the kids already in the kitchen.

"Allison why are you in the kitchen?! You know there is a tea maker out in the dining room." The nations scolded his daughter, the spinning image of England. 

The other girl piped up, Her hair was an unnatural white that curled up on her face and covered her eyes effectively.

"That's what I was sayin Pa! She just was so insistent...." The other spoke her Boston accent noticeable.

 Allison just grumbled something causing the other to giggle.

"I'll be back, I'm getting Louise to help with dinner tonight"

"I see that the guests are here!" She slowly made her way up to the person in front, who happened to be England. 

"Mads! Don't go and greet them!" Allison spoke in a rude tone causing the other to snicker but ignore her request.

"Hello! I'm Madison B. Jones representation of Massachusetts. It's a pleasure to meet you." She held out a hand to shake which Arthur happily shook.

"Hello, I am Arthur the personification of England. It is a pleasure." Madison's body grew tense and rigid at the introduction. She pulled her hand out of his.

"You are England?" Her tone had grown Icy. However, before the Brit could give a response France came and took her hand kissing it. The sudden action caused the girl to blush.

"Bonjour Je m'appelle France, but you can call me Francis love~" The French man introduced himself, his smooth voice and accent causing the girl's face to grow redder. Madison could faintly hear the sound of shotguns cocking though she didn't know if it was in her mind or not. 

"H-hi... I'm sorry I didn't see you, sir."

"Of course you didn't love, Your eyes are covered by your hair~" He slightly brushed Madison's bangs out of her face showing off milky teal eyes. Startled by the action she stepped back and pushed France back with a small wind spell, her teal magic flashing brightly.

"Wha-" the tall French man asked as he stumbled back.

"Who taught you magic?!" England asked in a commanding tone to which Madison gave an uncomfortable look.

"Why don't you back off Lobsterback. You've taken enough from her so why don't you keep your streak down." Allison hissed.

"How dare you speak to me like that!" Arthur hissed back. Madison moved towards where France had landed completely ignoring the brit's question. Allison and Arthur began to fight.

"Are you okay sir?" She asked quietly, but her eyes didn't focus on him. In fact, they didn't seem to focus on anything causing France to understand why she hadn't 'seen' him earlier despite being in next to Arthur. 

Madison was completely blind. France smiled sadly and gave a simple 'oui' before standing.

"My apologies, I didn't mean to scare you, dear." He got up and tried to calm down the two bickering.

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