Chapter six

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[Chapter Six] (edited)

I donot own the characters you recognize.

Hermione fidgeted with her hands as she watched Josh Selwyn walk out of the library. She hadn't been able to talk to him and now was a chance to do the talk. 

"Ron, Harry", she adressed her best friends who were seated besides her in the library, "I will be back in a moment." 

"Where are you going?", asked Ron looking up from his essay, he had been trying to write for the past one hour. 

"I- I need to go fetch a book from my dormitory. I will be back", saying that  she stood up and walked before either of them could ask any further questions. 

She knew if she told them that she was going to talk to the brunnette slytherin, they would insist upon accompanying her, and she needed to speak to him by herself. 

She watched Josh turn a corner and hurried ahead to catch up with him. When he was within hearing range, she called out, 


The slytherin turned to face her upon hearing her voice, his face immediately leaving any trace of the smirk he was carrying. 

"Hermione", he spoke and his eyes were full of dread and anticipation. Out of what, she didn't know. 

"I was hoping to  talk to you.", she said coming to a halt and standing in front of him. 

He nodded twice, and she shifted from one leg to other, not knowing where to start.

She was spared on the act of initiating the conversation when Josh started blurting out explanations,

"Hermione I know that I may not sound the most convincing but please believe me, I had no idea about the death eaters. I have no idea what made me come to you and say that but I don't remember anything before I came to you. Im really sorry you had to go through that but please you have to believe me I-" 

"Josh, Josh, stop.", she said halting his desparate rant. She took a deep breath. "What do you mean by you don't remember?" 

"I don't know, Hermione. One moment I was walking with my friends and suddenly it was like I was moving on someone's direction and the next moment I was telling you about the shrieking shack. I went back to my friends in a daze, completely confused on why I did that. And my friends asked me why had I run and I told them that I didn't know and that's when Malfoy heard me. He had seen me run to you and you running off and when he heard me with my friends, he thought I was lying and after bringing you to the hospital wing, he hunted me down and literally dragged me out of my room. He was furious.", he finished paling slightly at the last part. 

Hermione felt her face flush. Damn Malfoy and hia confusing actions. She had no idea whatsoever why he would do that. 

"Im sorry about Malfoy, Josh. I don't know why he did that.", she said apologetically. 

He shook his head.

"You don't need to apologise Hermione. I'd say I even deserved it. It was me because of whom you were in the hospital wing for two days." 

"Nonsense Josh. He shouldn't have done that, he had no right." 

"So you believe  me?", he asked and hesitating just a second she nodded.

She saw no lie in his eyes, and she saw no reason why he would do that. 

He gave her a relieved smile which she rerurned.

"Thank you Hermione" 

"Its alright. Sorry to interrupt you, I will get going now. Thank you." 

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