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I go into Sophia's house and without saying anything to anyone I head up to my room there.
I see Yesenia on her bed watching a movie.
I knock on the door and walk in. She looks up at me with a smile. "Hey" "hey"
"Do you wanna watch the movie with me? I started it like 10 minutes ago" I was surprised that she wasn't mad at me. "Sure, what movie is it?" I sit on the bed next to her.
"It" I look at her confused, "but you hate horror movies" "Well I've gotta support my boyfriend. Plus 13 year old him looks so adorable." She says laughing.
I turn turn to her "Hey I'm sorry for yelling at you earlier."
"No it's fine, if I was in your position, being called that word and all, I'd probably yell at people too."
"You sure you're not mad?" She hugs me "yes I'm mad at you for doing something 100% reasonable".
Yesenia always manages to make me feel better, that's why she's one of my best friends. We turn back to the tv. "So did you sort things out with Wyatt?"
"Yeah, I told him about Jessica and he told me about issues he has."
"So are you friends again?" "I think so? We didn't exactly discuss that."
I start thinking. Are we friends again? I think we are. Hopefully.
"Hey guys" I hear Sophia's voice, "are you guys watching It?" She looks at the tv as her face appears onscreen.
"Yeah, actually" Yesenia tells her. "Shit, Yesi watching a horror movie? I never thought I'd see the day!"
"Yeah she's gotta support her man!"
"Oh shut up y/n" the three of us have a laughing fit.
Finn comes in and I go sit on my own bed while he sits next Yesenia.
"I thought you didn't like horror movies?"
"Why is everyone asking me that? 13 year old you is so adorable I decided to put up with the scary parts" as she says this she buries her face into Finn's chest. Ben had just had his encounter with Pennywise in the library. Finn chuckled a bit and held her.
Now Wyatt walks in the room and sits next to me. "Hey so is everything ok with Yesenia?" he whispers.
"Yeah she understood and now we're gucci" I whisper back. "That's good" he gets up to leave when I grab his wrist and pull him down. "Where do you think you're going" thankfully none of the others hear or notice this.
"God please no, I was so cringey in this" on the screen Stan starts to talk. "Oh look at how young you sound" I tease him. I'm glad that we're not being awkward or anything around each other.
Slowly one by one the losers club fills the room and eventually we're all watching It together.
(A/n- this was just a filler episode to get some good vibes after what happened in the past few chapters)

Forever Yours - Wyatt Oleff x readerWhere stories live. Discover now