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Wyatt POV
We decide to play truth or dare and we sit in a circle on the floor.
I ask the first question "Ok Jae, truth or dare?"
"Dare" he says.
I'm sitting next to him so I lean over and whisper "I dare you to ask Sophia out, it doesn't have to be in front everybody but do it".
He whispers back "thanks man" and grabs Sophia's hand and leaves the room.
I know he likes Sophia and it's pretty obvious that she likes him back, he was gonna ask her out but chickened out at the last moment even though he really wanted to do it. This way if Sophia says no he can tell her it's a dare.
Jeremy looks at me confused, "What'd you tell him?"
"You'll see" I respond.
After a bit they come back in the room, both heavily blushing.
"So?" I ask looking at Jae.
"We're dating!" Jaeden announces.
"Woo Jae, now the only single girl is y/n" Finn cheers.
"Jack can take care of that for you" Jaeden laughs and I see Jack get super red and flustered and he leaves the room. Y/n blushes a bit.
"Ok let's move on with the game, Chosen, truth or dare?" Jaeden says sitting down again.
"Truth" Chosen says confidently.
"Is it true that youuuuuu... are scared of the dark?" Jae asks him.
"That is true" Chosen says.
We continue for a bit more and Jack returns. It's his turn and he chooses to ask me the question "Wyatt truth or dare?"
I see Jack smirk, "Is it true that you yelled at y/n and called her a slut?"
Everyone except y/n looks shocked, she looks more confused.
"How the hell did you know?!" I ask him.
Jaeden, Jeremy, and Chosen look even more shocked.
"So it's true?!" they stare at me with hatred in their eyes.
"Yes but Wyatt and I made up, we're good now, what I don't understand is how you knew?" y/n turns to Jack.
"I hadn't even taken two steps out of the store when I heard you" Jack said smugly.
Y/n is furious now "And what was exposing Wyatt supposed to do? Make me like you? If you had asked me out normally I probably would've said yes but now..." y/n shakes her head in disappointment and goes up to her room.
"Jack I think you should leave" Yesenia says and heads upstairs too.
"We're gonna go make sure y/n is ok" Sophia and Finn both head towards y/n's room.
As Jack leaves Jeremy, Jaeden and Chosen all turn to me "What the hell just happened?"
"Remember those anger issues I have?"
They think for a moment "ye-ohhh" I see their realization.
"Yeah..." I go upstairs and see everyone huddled around y/n.
"Hey are you ok?" She looks up "yeah, I should ask if you're ok".
I become confused "Me? Why?"
"Well Jack exposed you, and the others might be mad at you" I go sit next to her "me and the others worked it out, we're all good again".
"That's good, you guys wanna a movie?" Y/n asks and we all go downstairs to watch a movie.

Forever Yours - Wyatt Oleff x readerWhere stories live. Discover now