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Eventually it's time for the Losers to leave.

While everyone is grabbing their suitcases I grab the present I made for Wyatt and put it in my bag.

We drive to the airport and go inside.

Everyone checks out their bags and we say goodbye to Chosen, whose flight leaves first. We all say goodbye to Jaeden and Sophia gives him an extra long hug.

Jeremy and Finn leave soon too and eventually only Wyatt is left.

"It's getting kinda late, I think we're gonna go home" Sophia fake yawns and winks at me. She and Yesenia wish Wyatt goodbye and I'm left by myself with him.

"Before you leave I wanted to give you this" I pull out a box from my bag.

"What is this?" He observes it.

"It's a Stanley Barber funko pop ya dummy" I point to the personalized label on the box. "Since they don't sell them I thought I might as well make you your own."

"Oh my god you made this?! How?!" "It's pretty easy, you just take apart some funko pops and and glue parts together" I laugh.

"Wow this is really cool" he takes it out of the box. "I love it, thanks!" He hugs me.

"Delta Flight A 065 is now boarding" a lady announces over the speakers.

"Well I guess it's time for me to go" he puts the figurine in his bag and we hug again, this time for longer.

"You better call me everyday when you get back!" I yell as he walks toward security.

"I will!" He yells backs. I watch him walk away until he's out of sight.

Wyatt POV
I board my plane and sit down. I paid for wifi so I put on my headphones and listen to music. I think about y/n and fall asleep.

When I wake up I'm back in Chicago. I grab my bag and get off the plane.

I grab my suitcase from the baggage claim and look around. I see a woman with blue hair and walk up to her.

"Hey mom!" She jumps at first but then turns around and hugs me.

"Hi honey! How was Sophia's?" "It was really fun. I've got lots of stories to tell!" We walk to the car and start to drive home.

As I put on my seatbelt I get a notification on my phone.

Y/n ✌️😗
Did you get home safely?

I quickly text her back.

I'm driving to my house rn

That's good

There's still a 20 minute drive to my house so I tell my mom stories about spring break.

Forever Yours - Wyatt Oleff x readerWhere stories live. Discover now