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I walk back into my room and close the door. I hear Yesenia and Sophia whispering. They see me come in and quickly stop and look up.
"What were you guys talking about?"
"Oh nothing" they look suspicious. Sophia never was a good liar.
She says goodnight and leaves the room.
Yesenia and I are tired after a long day and go to sleep.

I wake up and go downstairs. Somehow I'm the first one awake. I sit on the couch and go on my phone.
It's 8:30, no wonder everyone's asleep.
I scroll through Reddit and upvote funny memes.
At around 9 I hear my stomach rumble. "Geez I hope nobody heard that" I say walking to the kitchen.
I get out eggs and milk from the fridge and other things from the pantry and start making waffles.
I'm just about to put the batter in the waffle iron when I hear someone walk downstairs.
I pour the batter and look up to see Wyatt.
"Hey do you want a waffle?" I say waiting for it to cook.
He pours himself a glass of milk "uhhh, yeah sure".
"How'd you sleep?" I hate making small talk and I hate being awkward with my friends but it'd be even more awkward if I stayed quiet.
"Pretty good, how bout you?" He takes a sip of the milk and gives himself a milk mustache. I giggle a bit "not very good, Yesenia snores so loud" as I say this the light on the waffle iron turns green.
I take out my waffle and start eating it. I pour in more batter and again wait for it to cook.
"So what's the plan for today?" He asks me. "I don't know," I say taking a bite of my waffle. "I think everyone was just planning on staying here. You guys can come over to my house if you want tho, I have a pool."
"Yeah sure we can ask the others if they want to."
Almost as if on command Finn and Jack walk into the kitchen. The light turns green on the iron again and I take out Wyatt's waffle.
"Ooh are you making waffles?" Jack looks at it almost drooling.
"No dingus, I'm making sausage McMuffins" I tease him.
"Hey y/nnnn?" Finn's leaning onto the counter with his hands on his chin.
"What is it Finn?"
"Can you make me a waffleeeee?" "Ooh me too" Jack raises his hand.
"You guys are lucky I made a lot of batter" I say, pouring more into the iron.
"So do you guys wanna come over to my house and swim later? My parents are gone so we can spend the day there."
"We would but we didn't bring any swimsuits" Jack tells me looking disappointed.
"There's a Target about 5 minutes from here, we can go when the others wake up."
"Yeah I need to buy one too" Wyatt says, shoving waffle and whipped cream into his mouth.
I take the waffle out and make yet another one. I put the cooked one on the table and the boys fight over it until Finn licks it.
Jack grabs the syrup from Finn and runs away. They run around and meanwhile Wyatt and I talk.
"You make really good waffles, they're much better than when I make them."
"Thanks, how do you make yours?"
"I just get the mix and add water" I roll my eyes at him, "well no wonder they don't turn out good, you need to add butter and milk and eggs and vanilla extract and then the mix."
"But that's too much work" he whines. "Well if you want good food you have to put in good work." I tell him.
"That's why I have you, so you can cook for me. Wait that wasn't supposed to sound sexist." I laugh "as if, the only thing I know how to cook are waffles and eggs."
I see green and put the waffle on a plate and Sophia walks in the kitchen grabbing it. She grabs the syrup from Jack on the way to the table and sits down to eat it.
"That's not true y/n, you like to bake a lot."
"Yeah but that's way different from cooking" I say making another waffle. "If you say so" Jack's giving the death stare to Sophia.
Eventually all the losers wake up and I make a waffle for everyone.

The 9 of us walk into Target and I can see the employees getting scared.
"Ok remember guys we're just here to buy swimsuits" Yesenia tries to tell us but everyone's gone off on their own leaving us two behind.
"I don't feel like going to my house so I'm going to buy one here" she tells me and we walk to the swimsuit section.
We pick out a lot of swimsuits for Yesenia and go to the dressing rooms. She comes out with a floral bikini that looks absolutely stunning on her.
"How does it look?" She asks turning around and looking in the mirror.
"I love it" I tell her.
She pulls me in the dressing room and gives me a few swimsuits.
"What is this?" I ask her.
"I got some for you to try on" she says and leaves the room. I know it's not worth it to argue so I try one on.
She goes and tries on another one.
We walk out and at that moment Finn and Jack walked by and saw us. They had a cart full of food and some bathing suits.
They stopped and I noticed them blush.
"Woah" I hear Finn mutter underneath his breath.
Yesenia must hear because she blushes too.
We stand there in silence just staring for a bit until I break the awkwardness "um, hey guys".
They seem to have been broken from a trance.
"What's up" I notice Jack staring at my body and I feel my cheeks heat up.
"Uh, nothing, we just came here to make sure our swim trunks fit." Jack tells me looking up.
"Oh I have an idea, let's have a mini fashion show" Yesenia asks the boys. "Uh yeah, that'd be great."
And so we do.
We go into the rooms and walk out, all of us showing each other. Sophia and Jaeden eventually join us too.
We try on everything we brought and Yesenia picks a cute ocean themed one and I pick a high waisted leafy one.

Forever Yours - Wyatt Oleff x readerWhere stories live. Discover now