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After the movie everyone except Sophia leaves to go do their own thing.

"So y/n what's going on with you and Wyatt? I thought you liked Jack?" Sophia sits on Yesenia's bed and we have another tea session.

"Oh it's nothing we're just friends" I tell her.
"Mhm" she gives me a skeptical look. "I saw how hard you blushed when he laid his head on your shoulder during the movie.

I'm getting deja vu.

"What were you guys whispering about at the beginning?" Yesenia asks me.

Shoot I thought they didn't notice. "Oh he was asking if everything was ok between us and I told him that we were all good."

Sophia looks at us confused, "why wouldn't you be?"
"Oh, uh, a lot happened while you were gone..." Yesenia laid her head on Sophia's lap.

"Well are you gonna tell me what happened or are you just gonna lie there?"

And so we tell Sophia everything that happened.
When we get done Sophia looks mad. "I'm gonna kill that son of a bitch" she mumbles and runs out of the room.

Yesenia and I walk into Wyatt's room and see Sophia trying to tackle him but failing. She ends up punching his arms and stomach instead.

Wyatt looks at us and mouths "what's going on?"

We pull Sophia off of him and Yesenia and I have to hold her back. "I told her what happened" I tell Wyatt while trying to drag Sophia out.

We make it out into the hallway and I try to explain to her that Wyatt and I are friends again.

"But y/n he hurt you" she's finally tired out and we take her into our room.

"Soph, he and I worked it out. If we hadn't I wouldn't have made him stay for the movie."

Both girls perked up, "wait you made him stay for the movie?" They must've not noticed that.

"Yeah he tried to leave but I pulled him back onto the bed."

"Ooh kinky" I walk across the room and start attacking Yesenia with a pillow "you" *hit* "know" *hit* "that" *hit* "it's" *hit* "not" *hit* "like" * hit* "that" *hit*.

I finish and walk back to my bed.

"Anywayssss, I won't attack Wyatt but if he ever hurts you again just know that he is dead."

"Sophia I already told him that" Yesenia says still rubbing her leg where I hit her.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom" I say and leave the room. Instead of going to the bathroom I close the door and turn to the right and go to Wyatt's room.

Wyatt POV
"Hey I ca-" I look up and see y/n walk in. "Shit I'm sorry I'll come back later." She says looking down and backing out of the room.

"No it's fine" I realize I'm shirtless and put one on.
"I just came to check if you were ok" she says, still looking at the floor. "Yeah I tower over Sophia and she's really small so she didn't do any damage." I laugh.
She looks up a bit and probably notices the dark purple spots on my arm because she runs over and grabs it. "Are you sure?!"

"Yeah I'm fine, I just bruise easily."

She lets go and looks into my face "you worry me Oleff" and she leaves the room.

To the 2 of you who read this, I'm sorry for not posting for 2 weeks I had stuff going on and kept forgetting to update the story

Forever Yours - Wyatt Oleff x readerWhere stories live. Discover now