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"The Dark Mark"

Fred and George were still chanting from the Irish win

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Fred and George were still chanting from the Irish win.
"There's no one like Krum." Ron protested loudly in the tent, "He's like a bird, the way he rides with the wind."

Aria laughed when the twins started their worst impression and draped an Irish flag over him.

"He's more than an athlete. He's an artist!" Ron spoke proudly.

Ginny walked past him, "I think you are in love, Ron." "Shut up, Ginny." Ron hissed. The twins started singing off tune and the rest of them joining in soon enough. "Viktor, I love you. Viktor, I do. When we're apart, my heart beats only for you!"

The cheers outside had morphed into screams by now, "Sounds like the Irish have got their pride on."
Fred and George started singing agan, when they were sushed by their father.

"Stop! Stop it! It's not the Irish. We've gotta get out of here, now!"

Aria quickly grabbed Ginny's hand and pulled them outside of the tent, the screams wailing in volume, fire roaring in the distance.

"Get back to the Portkey, and stick together!" Arthur said loudly. The twins pulled their sisters along with them, their hands tightly supporting them as they sprinted to the edge of the tent line.

"Harry!" Hermione yelled, as she was swept away from the rest of the group.
Aria quickly glanced at the twins, making sure they had Ginny and she hurried after her brother's best friend.

Her shoulders were buffeted from side to side, but she kept pushing forward. That is, until somebody grabbed her shoulder. She quickly turned around, her face softened when she saw who it was.

"Cedric, thank god. I have to find Harry!" She yelled through the screams. Cedric nodded, taking her hand and leading her towards where she pointed before. Both drew their wands, the camp falling almost silent.

"If we split, we can find him faster." she explained. "No," he said quickly, "we need to stay together, it's too dangerous to go alone."

They moved slowly, Aria looked up at the boy walking next to her. Who is voluntarily putting himself in danger for a boy he hardly knew. She barely knew him also, but she couldn't believe he was being this nice, sure he was a Hufflepuff, but this was something else.

"Mosmordre!" an unknown voice rang through their ears. And a second later, a skull filled the inky black sky, a long snake coming from its mouth and spiralling towards them. Cedric murmured something and stepped in front of the Weasley girl for protection.

Aria's head snapped when she heard movement ahead. Cedric heard it too, both of them raised their wands when three figures came into sight. And quickly lowered them when they saw it was Harry, Ron and Hermione.

"Oh, Merlin!" she gasped, pulling all three of them into a tight but quick hug. "I thought I'd lost you!"

Harry hissed in pain and touched his scar.

Several streams of smoke formed around them, morphing into people, Cedric and Aria dragged others to the ground.

"Stupefy!" All the wizards called repeatedly, shooting red beams at the students and narrowly missing.

"Stop! These are my kids!" Aria sighed in relief when she heard her father's voice.
"Ron, Aria, Hermione, Harry, Cedric; you alright?" Mr Weasley asked his children, pulling his two children into a tight hug.

"We came back for Harry, sir" Cedric explained, slightly out of breath.

Another wizard pointed his wand accusingly between the five teenagers. "Which of you conjured it?"

"Crouch," Mr Weasley began, "you can't possibly think..."

"Do not lie! You've been discovered at the scene of the crime!" "Crime? Barty, they're just kids!"

"What crime?" Harry asked nervously. Hermione whispered to him, "It's the Dark Mark, Harry. It's his mark!"

"What," he asked in disblief, "Voldermort? Those people tonight, in the masks, they're his too, aren't they? His followers?"

"Death Eaters." Aria explained, looking worriedly at Cedric.

"There was a man, before." Harry informed, pointing somewhere in the distance, "There."

"All of you, this way!" Crouch signaled his fellow Ministry wizards away, apart from Mr Weasley.

"A man? Who?" Arthur asked.

"I don't know. I didn't see his face." Harry said frowning.

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