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"Starry corridor"

Aria was patiently waiting for her patrolling buddy in front of the Great Hall like every shift

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Aria was patiently waiting for her patrolling buddy in front of the Great Hall like every shift.

"Buu!" Cedric screamed, making Aria jump and squatting on the floor out of fear.

"Cedric, why did you do that?" Aria said still crouching, facing the floor.

He laughed, "Well you were standing there all clueless and I got this funny idea..." He trailed off laughing.

"Well that wasn't funny, silly. I think we have to visit Madam Pomfrey!" Aria wined, laughing out the last part.

Cedric chuckled, "I'm sorry" he said softly, sitting on the floor and hugging her.

She looked up to him, "I swear to Merlin, if you do that again I will hex you!" She said angrily, still smushed in his arms.

He chuckled, looking down at her, "Well, Weasley I won't promise you anything!" He laughed, standing up and offering a hand.

"You will regret that, Diggory!" She said grabbing his hand and pulling him down.

"See? Told you!" She said, holding her stomach because of laughter.

"Hahaha, really funny! My arm hurts now!" He replied mockingly, laughing a bit.

"Awe, do we need to visit Madam Pomfrey?" Aria laughed, getting up and sticking out her hand for him.

"Do not even think about it!" She snapped, thinking he wanted to pull her down, when he wanted to take her hand.

"No, I wouldn't. I am a mature kid!" He replied smiling. Aria chuckled, "Yes, of course you are! I am the one who scared myself." She said, sticking her hand out again, Cedric grabbed it and pulled himself up.

"So, are you excited for the Yule Ball?" Cedric asked her, nervously.

"Oh yeah, I've read so much about it! Did you know that they transform the place into a winter wonderland?" Aria replied, with a glowing smile and a beam in her eyes.

"Really? That's cool." He replied, looking at her with a smile.

"Did you know that champions start off the Ball with a dance with their dates? Did Hufflepuff already had their dancing lesson?" She asked, full of excitement.

"Yes, we had them already! Do you know how to dance?" Cedric asked, looking at her while they were walking down one of the corridors.

"I know how to, I'm just not that good at it." Aria replied to his question shyly. "Do you know how to dance? I mean you start the whole thing off, you kinda have to... Wait do you even have a date, or are you going with Ethan?" She joked, laughing.

"Honestly, why can I see that happening?" He replied, laughing. "But no, I don't have a date, yet..." he continued.

"Wait, actually? How can Mr Diggory not have a date?" Aria asked, making a joke.

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