twenty four

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"sweet sixteen"

It's been a few weeks since the finale of the Triwizard tournament

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It's been a few weeks since the finale of the Triwizard tournament. Aria as well as most of the students were drying their tears, saying their goodbyes to the Durmstrang and Beauxbatons students. The whole Clocktower Courtyard was filled with people hugging each other.

Fleur and Gabrielle ran over to Aria,
both wearing their school's uniforms.
"You were so brave! Oh look at you!"

Aria smiled while taking out a small piece of parchment, with her address on it. "You two must write! We have to see each other again soon!" she smirked at Fleur. The Beauxbatons champion pulling her into a hug, Gabrielle latching on a few seconds later.

Krum and Katie came over, sharing their addresses, promising to write each other.

The Durmstrang ship cannon fired and cheers rang out from the courtyard, the foreign students saying their final farewells before leaving. It was a sad sight to see the carriage fly over the hills and the ship Durmstrang ship disappear below the water.


Next day, Aria was shaken awake by an excited Tayla, her smile stretching from ear to ear when her best friend woke up.

Tiredly, Aria rolled over, "What is it? Am I late for class?"

Tayla huffed, "Have you seriously forgotten what day is it?"

Aria nodded awkwardly and rubbed her eyes, before realization swam over her and she flew to a seated position, throwing the covers off her. Tayla put her hands over Aria's eyes, gently guiding her down the stairs to the Common Room. Once she was safely down, Tayla removed her hands.

"Happy birthday!" her brothers and sister cheered, along with a few of her other friends.

Aria's cheeks flushed, "Guys, you shouldn't have!" she pulled Ginny into a hug with one arm, and Tayla with others later. A pile of presents dominated the table by the fire, all wrapped in different paper and some more shabbily than others.

She smiled as she took the first present off the top, a small box from Katie, and opened it, "How did you know I needed some new drawing pencils?"

Katie smiled, "Ginny stole your bag, and looked in your pencil case..."

After a lot of gift opening and hugging, the ten of them arrived at the Great Hall, tucking into various bowls and plates of breakfast, interrupted by a small, wrapped box being placed in front of Aria.

Arms wrapped around her neck and a head was snuggled against her shoulder, "Happy birthday Ari!" Cedric smiled taking her hand and helping her stand up from the bench.

"I got you a little something."

"Thanks Ced." she blushed, taking the small box and gently opening it. On the top of the, now unwrapped box, was a chocolate frog card, "Why is there always one of these involved?"

He laughed, "I'm not quite sure."

She turned the box, gently lifting the top upwards to reveal a silver necklace with two charms hanging from it, one was a lion and the other one was a cloud.

Aria smiled and hugged him, as he clasped it around her neck, "Ced, it's perfect, thank you."

"No problem, see you tonight!" He said turning around, slowly walking away.

"Tonight?" Aria screamed after him, all surprised.

"Yes, our last prefect shift." He reminded her. Aria looked down at her necklace with a big smile plastered on her face, while sitting behind the table again, continuing with her breakfast.

・゚: *✧・゚:* authors note *:・゚✧*:・
Hello, the fact that this wasn't exactly planned is mind blowing to me. Today is my 16th birthday and Aria is also celebrating her sweet sixteen 'today'. Thank you for supporting my book, it means a lot to me! Praying for an even better year!
Cherishing this forever,
I love you <3

hi, writing this here, because i know more people are going to see this. but i swear i didn't forget about polaroids, upcoming chapters are very important and i don't want to make them that cringy. i'm working on chapters everytime i have a zoom class, which is every day haha. please bear with me, see u soon :)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2020 ⏰

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