My Magic Finger (Poppy)

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I sit in my room with Ivy and Joy. I sit on my bed and stir around my finger as my cookie dough mixes its self (and when I say it's self, I mean with my finger magic).

My finger glows rainbow. I'm sure that has to be different but how would I know. I wonder if mom ever had to do this. My mother, believe it or not, was Snow White. Suddenly, my eyes well up.

Ivy looks over at me and comes to sit on my bed with me. "I know how you feel," she says. "At least you'll see your family again. Whereas I'm stuck in your world forever, I never get to go back beyond the endless woods."

"I'm so sorry... I thought you'd get to go back after school."

"It's fine but I'll need a place to stay after I finish."

"Well, I know it's a long time from now, but you're more than welcome to stay with me."

"Thank you," Ivy said as gratitude filled her voice and eyes. "This may be pushing things a little bit, but could I ask you a question about your family?"

"Anything," I lean towards her.

"Who were your parents fairytale-wise?" She asks.

"Snow White and Prince Charming," I reply.

"Oh," you look a lot like your mom," Ivy says, pointing at my dark brown hair and pale skin, "but you have your dad's eyes."

"Thank you," it's my turn to be grateful.

"Would you like to eat lunch together today?" she asks.

"Absolutely," I say.

Happiness overwhelms me and my finger starts glowing again. So happy to have found a new friend, I decide to see my parents' displays in the gallery again. Then, remembering Ani, I write her a letter:

I miss you and mom and dad so much. But mostly you... don't tell mom and dad that. You've always been my little sister and I can't stand being away from playing with you in the meadow or going to visit the dwarfs with you and mom or cooking bacon with you and dad.

Also, I can't believe you're almost thirteen! I'll have a teenage sister! Do you think you and our parents could come to the school for my birthday? I'm going to come home for yours.

School is amazing. We're learning about how to smile and talk to animals. It's beautiful, too; the opal floors and ball gowns and amethyst jewelry... You'd love it.

I have to get to lunch now. I love and miss you! Tell mom and dad I miss them too!

Love you,

With that, I head down shoulder to shoulder with Ivy as we walk toward lunch in the clearing.

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