So, I decided to make this book for the purposes of describing and explaining the tribes that I have crafted. It will be spit by continents. Enjoy ; )!
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Triple-Slashers Description: Similiar to Rainwings, their skin can and will change colours. Three prehensile tails with small wasp-like stingers on the end. Parrot like back feet for grasping objects with. Webbed talons and sails that help with swimming. Claws, spines, horns, teeth and stingers are metallic grey to silver, getting more metallic as the dragon ages. Branching horns that crackle with electricity when the dragon feels overwhelmed, enraged and excited. Bioluminescent patches that contain a special bioluminescent bacteria that glows when subjected to electrical pulses. Transparent, soft, conductive and water-poof piqnofibres cover the entirety of the dragon's body. Sails can be folded into the piqnofibres when not in use. Eyes have a transparent eyelid that protects the eyes and allows the dragon to see underwater. Their wings have four claws at the position of the arm, acts like a hand to grasp objects and to aid with walking. They have small gill that can help with breathing underwater. Triple-Slasher, unlike most tribes make relatively more feline noises like purrs and cat-like hisses over roars and growls and their voice are generally more high pitch and dragonet-sounding as then other tribes.
Abilities: Triple-Slashers are strongly built dragons with strong, whip-like tails and wings that they use to grapple opponents. They have a set of viper-like fangs that can store venom and release it in streams of venom or through the tried and test method of biting. They also have two venom sac on the sides of the lower jaw, similar to the Gila Monster, they bite to release the sleep-inducing venom that seeps into the target's wounds. Their three tails each contain enough a small but potent venom that is different between tails. The right tail injects a venom that induces severe pain and inflammation. The middle tail injects a deadly venom that causes the target to suffocate. The left tail contains a venom that causes paralysis in the target within minutes. Have organs that produce electricity that is stored throughout the body, primarily the horns, sail, wings and tails. Their skin produces a poisonous cocktail which effects depends on the toxins they ingest as well as pheromones. When threaten, angry or at will, a Triple-Slasher can use their electricity to boost their muscle performance, which improves speed, strength and reflexes, causing their piqnofibres to stand on end, crackling with electricity, though they can only do this for a limited amount of time before they need to recharge, they can also take electricity from their surroundings, often flying in thunderstorms to absorb the lightning. They can fire bolts of lightning from their jaws & tails and electrical discharges from their bodies and horns. They are also naturally highly-resistant and immune to several different types of toxins, such as the poison of the Gympie-Gympie plant and the venom of the Dragonbite Vipers. Some have also mastered a form of hypnosis using their bioluminescent patches to stun and put opponents into a trance.
Weaknesses: Their piqnofibres are highly flammable and without them, the Triple-Slasher's electricity is less effective when used. When charging their electrical attacks, a few of their spines or horns will crackle with electricity signifying that they are close to a full charge, when hit with blunt forces or shot, this creates a discharge that can stun, knock out or send flying the Triple-Slasher and other creatures in the discharge's radius. Their gill can also dry out (especially in Coastal Triple-Slasher) which can lead to cracking of the gills. Due to the lack of scales, Triple-Slasher are more vulnerable to attacks, making them prone to scarring, which prevents the area from changing colours. They bioluminescent patchers can't change colours and relies on the piqnofibres to make them match with the surroundings. Making them less effective in highly detailed environments like forests or coral reefs. They also require a lot a energy (high metabolism), a triple-slasher can at most survive a week without food before their bodies start deteriorating their muscles and start killing them. They can "Overcharge" which means that they have absorbed too much electricity for they bodies to handle, causing discharges, if a triple-slasher doesn't expel the excess electricity in time, they will be placed unconscious or possibly die. If their spines or horns are broken, this will disrupt their electricity's flow, causing random flares and discharges when they use it, giving them less control over it and causing short-circuiting.