Chapter 11

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You look over to the clock on the bedside table; it's 9:47am. You've been awake for a few hours now actually, and you've heard movement out in the hall and downstairs, but for some reason you don't want to move. You figure you'll have to eventually because your bladder is currently making it difficult for you, maybe you can run to the toilet then quickly come back and no one will notice. All of yesterday is replaying over and over again in your mind. Lauren's story, her opening up to you, kissing her. Lauren was right, you're having an affair, and every time you think about it your stomach lurches and you feel sick with guilt and anxiety. 

In your mind though, if you block out everything and everyone else, and just replay Lauren's smiling at you, her lips kissing you back, divulging to you her past. Your heart feels fuzzy and you want to curl up into a ball and just smile stupidly at yourself.


What does this mean? Does it mean what you think it means? OK so you might be considering the possibility you aren't straight but you can't do anything about it, can you? You're not going to...come out...or anything. There's nothing to come out about because you have Keith, right? Maybe now you've kissed Lauren, the curious side to you is gone. There's no more feelings, no more mystery, no more tension, shouldn't this make things easier? It was a one off and it'll never happen again. Yes, that has to be it. 

You roll your eyes and begin to get out of bed begrudgingly because now you really need to pee and you can't hold it in any longer. 

You don't know why but you're tiptoeing across the hall to the bathroom and you go to open the door but someone opens it from the other side. You blink and shake your head a little as hot steam comes bellowing toward you. 

"Oops, sorry just came out a shower" a voice says. Once the steam clears up a little and your eyes adjust to the light your jaw drops at the sight before you. Lauren's standing in front of you, towel wrapped around her head and a white fluffy one around her body. You can see the sheen of damp water gleam over her collarbone and her face and she looks kind of angelic. 

"Oh," she says like she just realizes it's you, "hi" she says softly and gives you a small smile. 

"Uh...hi" you breathe back. So much for no tension. 

"I just came in to use the toilet," you say dumbly, staring at the top half of her chest. You haven't a fucking clue why you're telling her this. 

"I figured," she smirks at you and her eyes look like they are reveling in yours, like she likes that you're looking at her. "People normally come to the toilet to use it" 

You watch as a drop of water slowly slides it's way down her chest and disappears under the towel where it dips into the valley between her breasts. You blink and look back up at her eyes and feel yourself flush.                    

"Uh...right" you say awkwardly. "Hey uhm, I'll probably be leaving soon, I want to get back before dinner" 

"Oh," she says and she sounds disappointed but not surprised. Her shoulders slump a little. "Yeah," you rub the back of your neck awkwardly and your hearts beginning to thud against your chest again. It's like it can't fucking handle anything more than 10 seconds of being in her company. "So, I was wondering if we could talk" 

"OK," she nods and her head does a sort of sympathetic tilt. "I'm going into your room now to dry my hair, you can talk to me after you use the toilet if you want" 

"OK" you nod. She smiles and brushes by you and you close your eyes and try not swoon at how warm and wet and wonderful she looks, or by how delicious she smells, like strawberries this time. 

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