Chapter 13

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It's Thursday, the day you've been dreading all week. The day your parents come over for a few hours for dinner and shower Keith with compliments whilst giving you nothing but passive-aggressive criticism. You've been texting Lauren back and forth for a few days; you're practically pining to see her again since you haven't since your shopping day trip last week.

"Pass the salad Normani" comes your mother's irate voice.

You blink at her having being lost in your own thoughts. You realize you and Keith are sitting at the dining room table with your parents. You pass over the dish without a word. You've been told you look like your mom but you don't really see it, she has the same eyes but that's about it. She doesn't seem to age though and you guess that's one thing to be thankful to her for.

"Continue on with your story Kenneth" your mother smiles sweetly, continuing her meal.

You hate when she calls him that, you even told Keith to tell them as much but at this point you think your mom and dad just do it to annoy you, like they do everything to annoy you.

"Uh...well it turned out the property was bought by Lauren, Normani's therapist" Keith smiles.

You freeze and stare at him. Honestly you haven't been listening to a word all three of them have been saying all night but you give your best icy cold glare to Keith right now. You hadn't told your parents you were seeing a therapist. You almost laugh, if only they knew.

"A therapist?" your mother scoffs. "You're seeing a therapist? Whatever for?" she asks like it's the most ridiculous thing she's ever heard. Maybe it is.

"Well you know," you mumble feeling ashamed, "I've been feeling down lately and losing sleep"

Your parents literally both roll their eyes at the same at you.

"'re a doctor, if a patient came in with the same symptoms you would have referred them to a counselor right?" you ask in some vein attempt to get him on side.

A little fucking support now and then wouldn't hurt.

"Maybe" he scoffs. "But I'd give them medication and tell them to pull up their socks, counseling is only for people who've had it rough in life and have real problems, or did we not spoil you enough as a child?" he retorts.

Keith skews his mouth and shoots you an apologetic look.

Your parents have did nothing but condemn you ever since they came around tonight. You made the starter before dinner, a prawn cocktail salad, a simple fucking dish and they did nothing but complain about it, Keith made the main meal and they've did nothing but praise him, it's sickening. Sometimes you wonder if your parents resent you because they secretly wanted a son or something, and that's what they see in Keith. Well, that's the only explanation you can come up with, it's either that or they hate you. You actually wonder briefly what Lauren would have to say about them, both as a person and a counselor. Fuck. You miss her.

You had a short session with Madison in Room 47 on Tuesday; you only really discussed the possibility of leaving Keith for Lauren with her. You told Lauren you needed time to figure things out but you're beginning to find the longer time drags on, even days seem like years, you honestly don't think you can lie for much longer. Keith kissing you goodnight is painful enough, you almost cry yourself silently to sleep at night because of the guilt. Madison told you to do things your way, that you could either "rip the Band-Aid off" all at once and tell Keith everything or just end the relationship and come to terms with everything else afterwards. Fight or flight. You honestly don't know which idea you prefer, in your head you like the second idea better but your guts telling you that in the moment you'll just tell Keith everything. How does one plan on a conversation that's basically going to change their lives forever? Are you even ready for that?

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