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"no? are you serious?" jack rolled his eyes and zach groaned. adelaide modded.

"ok i'm done. i'm gone. goodbye." daniel raised up his hands in defeat and retreated to the parking lot, where there was the car waiting. the girls followed the group of boys, as they chased after their band mate.

in the parking garage, adelaide discovered that she had parked her red jeep wrangler in the space next to why don't we.

"of course you parked next to us." adelaide snorted, earning glares from jack and daniel.

"ok let's go." raine pushed her friend into the jeep, while extending the words. "bye boy banders." she waved and hopped in too.

"zane!" zach caught zane before she got into the back seat. the girl turned to him. he handed her part of a receipt, the one from chipotle. on the backside of it, was his number, and a note.

in the jeep, she turned it over. first was his number, which zane added to the contacts in her phone. she made a reminder and set a time for later, so she would remember to text the boy. next, was a message. she giggled at it, ripped off his number, and passed it up to raine to read.

"'tell rainbow we're man banders, not boy banders.'" raine laughed at zach's note after reading it out loud.

"man banders? i don't think that's a thing." adelaide scoffed.

"what's your problem with them?" raine asked, genuinely confused.

"we didn't get to go to pacsun." she grumbled, turning out of the mall parking lot.

"oh get over it lai." raine rolled her eyes.


"because we can go some other time." the younger shrugged. meanwhile, in the backseat, zane had her airpods in, listening to a bit of why don't we's music. she liked it. the guys had great vocals, as she had already heard in the store, and the music was catchy.

in the other car, the boys were teasing zach.

"what'd you give her?" jack nagged.

"nothing." the youngest rolled his eyes and mumbled.

"oh come on." jonah encouraged, while keeping his eyes on the road.

"no. i'm not telling you guys." zach crosses his arms and tried to look out the window, but couldn't because he in between jack and daniel.

"i bet it was his number." daniel whispered loudly, to no one in particular. at that zach's cheeks turned a darker shade of the pink they already were.

"oh my- it was!" corbyn exclaimed, after seeing the boy's red face.

"nooo! stop." zach covered his face with his hands and tried to hide the blush.

"ok yup. it definitely was." jack laughed at the boy. zach removed a hand from his face, slapping his friend. "hey!"

"jack shut up." jonah scolded. the traffic was getting heavier, and he needed to concentrate.

"what? but it wasn't me! it wa-" he was cut off again, this time by daniel.

"shh!" daniel slapped him too.

"shh!" zach added in too. "he's trying to drive!"


sorry if this chapter isn't too good my head hurts so bad and I'm a little dizzy

let me know of mistakes


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