Chapter Seventeen: Aspen

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I turn and give Maxon a questioning glance as he waves the guards in his office away and shuts the door behind them.

“Take a seat,” he says, gesturing to the chair on the other side of his desk. 

I slowly walk over to the chair and sit, worried. “Alright, what’s wrong?”

“What I’m about to tell you, you seriously can’t tell anyone,” he says quietly. “Lives are at stake, including ours, if word gets out.”

“I swear I won’t tell anyone,” I respond without hesitation.

“My Father had everything,” Maxon says, staring at his desk. “He was a King, he had a loving wife who worshipped the ground he walked on, as well as a son to carry the line on. But it wasn’t enough for him.

“I could always tell when his mistress was coming,” he continues. “He would give my mother a gift beforehand and get her tipsy on wine until she retired to her room. Of course, her quarters were in the other wing. Probably his idea.

“Then one day I caught her walking out of his room. I was eleven then. I burst into his room and found him in his robe, drunk and sweaty. I told him, and I quote, ‘You cannot let that whore in here again.’” Maxon lets out a humorless laugh. “He didn’t take that well. He dislocated my shoulder when he grabbed me by the arm and proceeded to can me across the back. I ended up blacking out.”

“Was that the first time?” I ask, my face as hard as stone.

He nods. “When I woke up I was told by my butler that I shouldn’t roughhouse with the guards and that I was too young to consider them playmates. I knew to keep quiet. I was so young then, I didn’t risk telling anyone.”

“What a bastard,” I mumble, clenching my fists. 

Maxon nods in agreement. “And I’m not even finished yet.”

“There’s more?” I demand.

He lets out another humorless laugh. “We’re only at the tip of the iceberg, my friend.”

I sigh. “Okay, what else happened?”

“A few years later I thought my father had really gotten rid of her, but after a few months she was here again, walking around as if she owned the place.” Maxon looks over at me. “I confronted her, irate that she had the guts to show her face with my mom sleeping just around the corner. She responded by whispering that she would tell my sister hello.”

I don’t react, silent for a moment. “Are you getting to what I think you’re getting to?”

“Probably,” he sighs. “I need to find her. She’s my only family left. I just don’t really know how, which is why I’m asking you for help.”

“You’re the King, I’m sure we can find some resources.” 

“We have to be discreet, Aspen,” he urges. “If this get’s out, she’s dead. There are laws about this. I’m sure the only reason August is still alive is because he helped save us and he’s helping keep the country from going to hell.” 

I pause, thinking. “How do we get her out? She still has a mother…” 

Maxon sighs. “We could give her some cash to keep quiet and threaten her. I'll honestly do whatever it takes.” 

“So you want some guards to essentially kidnap her?”

Maxon winces. “When you put it that way…”

“What will you tell the guards?”

“I don’t know,” Maxon groans, putting his head in his hands. “It’s so complicated.”

“I could lead it,” I say after a moment. 

“Aspen! You have an injured leg for goodness sake!” 

“I’ll just do the talking,” I say, shrugging. “I’ll bring a couple of guards who can do the manhandling in case things get ugly.” 

“What will Lucy say?” Maxon hisses. “If she finds out she’ll have my head! I don’t know about you, but I’m not underestimating her, King or not!”

I chuckle. “Let me deal with Lucy. It’ll be fine.”

“This feels illegal,” Maxon mutters, sighing. 

I raise an eyebrow at him. “Oh, I’m sure it is. But remember Maxon, you’re the King.” 

He sighs. “Fine. I’ll put you in charge. But make sure that no one finds out what this is really about.” 

“You don’t have to worry about that, Maxon. You have my word,” I promise.

“Thank you,” he mutters. “Now all we just need to do is find her.”

“She’s what, eight?” I ask.

Maxon nods.

“Easy,” I state. “We just search for eight year old girls living in Angeles without a Father. Probably an upper caste too. I highly doubt your Father would bed a Five or Six, no offense.”

“None taken,” he mutters. “But how will we know it’s her? I don’t know the mother’s name or anything, just her face.”

I cross my arms in front of my chest. “We’ll just have you look at pictures to confirm that it’s her before taking action.”

Maxon nods. “I’ll have to do that. It’s not like I can go with you. Not only could it be dangerous, but I don’t think I could handle seeing her.”

“True,” I agree. “Now all we need to do is get searching. I’ll do it, since if you do, people may get suspicious.”

Maxon gives me a look. “Wouldn’t a palace guard asking about a eight-year-old girl who grew up without a father be suspicious as well?”

“Who said I had to appear as a guard?” I smirk. “Unlike you, Your Majesty, I don’t have a highly recognizable face.”

Maxon rolls his eyes. “Enjoy it while you can, Aspen. Once you’re officially the General that may not always be the case.”

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