Chapter Eighteen: Maxon

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I leave Aspen to deal with my half-sister since I have other things to accomplish. One of which I’m dreading immensely; America’s funeral.

“We’ve contacted the Singer Family,” Stavros says. “They will arrive tomorrow just before lunch.”

I don’t respond, staring at my hands as I fight to keep my emotions in check.

“We’ll give them the rest of the day to settle in and we’ll hold the funeral the day after tomorrow,” Stavros continues. “Will that be alright, Your Majesty?”

I nod, not meeting his eyes.

“Do you need anything, Maxon?” he asks quietly.

I look up at the use of my name. “I-I’m good,” I whisper, clearing my throat. “Thanks.”

Stavros nods, standing and bowing. My gaze returns to my hands as he exits my office leaving me alone with the guards standing against the wall.

Rubbing my temples, I get out a folder to look over it’s contents. I had hoped that my days of looking over tax reports would be over once Father had passed, but it was foolish to do so. Someone had to do the damn work.

I hear a knock on my door as I quickly make a note. “Come in!” I call, setting the pen aside.

“Officer Leger asked me to send this up, Your Majesty,” a guard says, bowing. He hands me a thick stack of folders and turns, about to leave.

“Wait!” I call. 

The guard stops and turns back towards me. “Your Majesty?”

“What’s your name?” I ask.

“Avery, Sir,” he replies, standing straighter.

I squint at him. “Have we met before? I feel like we have.”

Officer Avery nods. “I helped Officer Leger get you and Lady America to… uh, you know where a few weeks ago.”

“Right! I remember now.” I pause. “And Aspen trusts you?”

“I would guess so, Your Majesty. We were roommates before he was moved up here.”

I nod. “Alright. Thank you, Officer Avery. That’s all I needed.”

Avery bows, looking confused as he turns and leaves my office. 

I take a quick peek at the first file and confirm my suspicions, quickly slamming it shut. That was much quicker than I anticipated, I think letting out a sigh before turning to the guards. “Leave, please.”

They all bow to me before quickly filing out of the room. Sighing as the door closes, I open the first file and begin studying the pictures.

A few files in I finally find her. “Brice Mannor,” I mumble, looking between her picture and the one of her mother. It was her, I would recognize the woman’s face anywhere.

Quickly closing the file, I shove the other files to a corner of my desk and quickly ring for a butler.

“Your Majesty?” a butler asks, appearing moments later.

“Please get Officer Leger for me,” I say. “And tell him I found it.”


I feel a strange sense of dejavu as I watch the Singers enter the palace from the same stairway that I had watched them from a few months earlier. Only this time America isn’t there to greet them.

The red hair… I feel my heart cracking once again as Magda and May meet my eyes.

I feel my knees go weak, but Aspen’s firm grip on my shoulder keeps me in check. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2020 ⏰

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