My Love

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Beam POV

When we went to class the next day, I was still listless. I still couldn't believe with what happened yesterday. I'm not just imagining everything right? I tried pinching myself multiple times, I felt the pain so it must be true. It's really so surreal that Forth and I were now officially together. Everything seemed normal, we still looked like bestfriends on the outside but behind our sweet smiles hide an even sweeter meaning.

I think Mina noticed it. I saw her smile when she saw Forth and I went to class together. I searched for Wayo but he seemed absent. Perhaps busy with his org again.

"You two looked like you woke up super!", Mina said with a teasing smile.

"Of course becau--"

"--Umm, we both slept soundly last night." I immediately cut Forth who creased his forehead.

"How did you know? Were you two messaging each other before sleeping?" Mimi probed deeper.

I glanced at Forhh. He still had wrinkles on top of his brows but it disappeared when he rounded an arm on my nape.

"We slept beside each other last night."

For a while, Mina was shocked but her facial expression subtly turned into a smile. I remained flabbergasted. I know it's Mina, one of our closest friends, but I still feared to be judged. Although, I understand that society is more open to same-sex relationships in general. I was still staring at Forth who was stoic. I felt some guilty pangs.

"Finally...", said Mina. "You two finally got together. I thought it will never happen."

Forth elbowed Mina. "You're saying it like--"

"--I knew? Of course! It's so obvious that you're head over heels with Beam."

Obvious? What part of Forth liking me was obvious? Am I really that dense?

"Pfft, know-it-all."

Forth was about to say something else when he was called by his groupmates for a group project in English. They seemed to need to meet again. Mina was left with me in our spot.

"How did you realize that you love him?", she asked.

Everything that happened flashed before me. I wanted to say that maybe it's when I saw Lam hand her a letter; that all this time, I was running after the wrong person all along; that when I stopped, I gave the right person a chance to chase after me. That's about it but of course, I didn't mention that to Mina. I don't want to sound bitter because I'm not.

"I just felt it, I guess. Like I just woke up to the fact that all this time, I've been loving him all along."

"Is it because of this?" Mina quickly proceduced a folded piece of paper from her filecase.

I was surprised. "How did you know?"

"Haaaay, Beam. I know you from head to foot. Same with Forth." Mina smiled but it quickly disappeared. A moment of silence prevailed.

"This is not for me."

My eyes widened. "It's for whom then?"

"For Forth."

I froze. Mina just stared at me. Did I hear it right? It's for Forth? So, Lam's letter is addressed to Forth? But why? I reviewed everything in a flash. So Lam frequently talks to Mina because he's asking about Forth. Did he befriend me because he knew he can get close with Forth through me?

"He asked me to hand it to Forth that's why he talked to me yesterday." Mina added. "I didn't read it of course but you can if you want. I think you have a right now since you're Forth's boyfriend.

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