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Hey guys!

I hope you liked this story as much as I did. It's not that emotionally charged as I normally do but I chose to translate this because I related with Beam from start to finish.

I had that phase that I was insecure about everything  and kept telling myself that I'm just fine in just observing the one I like from afar. But eventually as time goes on, you wonder how it feels like to be the recipient of that kind of affection. As I watch him become more lovey-dovey with his girl, I get hurt terribly. You know, like Beam.

But perhaps, what I can see that people find unrealistic was Beam's sudden change of heart from Lam to Forth. They find this abrupt change of affection directed to Lam then to Forth pure fantasy.

But what I can tell is that, this can happen in real life. I can confidently say so because...

...I experienced it myself.

It's not exactly the same scenario but I experienced the same on-the-spot realization like what happened to Beam.

Before my latest Hiphop teacher, I had another one before whom I consider the one who really taught me the mindset in dancing Hiphop, let's call him my OG Teacher. He was the first dance teacher whom I will attend classes religiously. He taught only beginner classes then so it was perfect for me.

But suddenly, he just left their group. All of us, his regular students, were not informed of this. He just vanished and we weren't able to say a proper goodbye. I was brokenhearted because I knew I had feelings for my OG teacher.

Few months later, my New Hiphop Teacher joined the studio. I was instantly hooked in his class. I had 95% attendance rate in his class and I even revolved my schedule around them. I knew I was having the same feelings for him like I did my OG but this time it was far more stronger since I was part of something more meaningful. We were preparing for his class for the summer program. It was his first time since he just joined the studio.

I practically became the mouthpiece of his class. I was so much identified with it that my name became synonymus woth his class. I was busy recruiting potential students in his behalf for our class because we need at least 20 for our class to push through to the dance concert. Basically, I was fulfilling our wish to perform in the concert. Him having a debut class with me as the flagbearer of his class.

But somewhere along the way, I reconnected with my OG Teacher in Facebook. Then instantly, my drive to push through with the concert disappeared.

I realized that, my feelings were not for my New Teacher at all. They were for my OG Teacher. And the hopes, dreams, and aspirations that I was striving for was not for my New Teacher, they were my OG Teacher's, I was channelling them to my new one.

So like in the story, it was only when Beam was bombarded by Forth with some existential questions that he realized that he was not in love with Lam at all. He was in love with the idea of the perfect boyfriend and in their class, he saw that as Lam. Then when he read Wayo's letter, it opened the idea that Forth can be that ideal boyfriend too, he was dismissing it because he had Forth in the FriendZone.

I really love the story because it presented a reality, a universal experience for all of us. It showed us that teenagers are flawed or at the evry least immature than can be overcame by wisdom and pondering.

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