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Muffet's puce kitten heel pumps clicked against the wooden floorboards of the hallway, a set of jingling keys in one of her numerous hands.

Earlier in the evening, she had been assigned to show the twins to their room after serving the group of five their dinner of lamb chops and roasted potatoes, which she had also prepared herself (the poor spider lady had to do most things in past years since the castle had become short on staff).

Everyone's satisfied faces as they tasted her food was enough to repay her for all of the hard work, though.

Ink and Dream followed behind her. Papyrus, one of the royal guardsmen, walking alongside them. He had kindly offered to carry their bags.

He was rather tall and intimidating, to say the least, but his childlike tonality and goofy smile lifted the feeling of uneasiness either of the brothers had felt before. The guard's long legs marched behind them in a way similar to that of an oafish cartoon character, equally lanky arms swinging at his sides.

Actually, he wasn't much different from Blue in terms of personality. The biggest characteristic separating them was Papyrus' ability to keep his voice at a volume that wouldn't make one's ears bleed, figuratively or literally. That, and the obvious physical distinction between the two.

The brothers' eyes began analyzing the structure's every detail, taking in every aspect of the castle's ornamental architecture. Gold accents ran up the walls, curling in ways similar to a snake, The palace's late-baroque feel ensuring them they were in hands of the elite.

Muffet led them up the stairs, leading them past the study they had discussed their fates in the night before.

It was all so....surreal. They were living in a real-life fairytale, playing the part of the heroes, even.

A shudder went up Dream's spine. In the past twenty hours, he had thought a lot about their newfound destiny. Something about agreeing to this didn't sit right with him. Looking back on the night before, he had felt somewhat pressured into agreeing to the whole ordeal. And for what? So Ink could indulge himself in his latest crush? Even the artistic skeleton himself had confessed to being uncertain of his feelings for the princess earlier that day!

"What a mess..." he muttered to himself.

Thankfully, no one had heard his quiet lament. His whispers must had been drowned out by the loud echoing clops of Muffet's shoes.

Maybe there was still time to escape. Yeah! He would grab his brother by the arm when no one was looking, and then they'd make a break for the door. Of course, they'd probably have to move and change their names to avoid the embarrassment of letting down the entire kingdom, which would suck considering they had just moved in.

Dream looked up from the floor and at Ink, who appeared to be deep in thought as well. However, whatever was going through his mind was leaving him with a confident half-smile, determination evident in his eyes.

The younger twin exhaled, rubbing his arms.

He couldn't bring himself to do it. Not when Ink was so ready to take on the approaching challenge. Deep down, he knew what was best was to support his brother, no matter the cost.

He owed it to him, after all.

After treading through the massive castle for what felt like ages, the quartet made their way to their shared bedroom.

Ink recognized the hall from when he had carried the princess to bed the previous night. As a matter of fact, they were right next door to her, the door to her left.

~𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐓𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐆𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐬 𝐖𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐨𝐰𝐬~Where stories live. Discover now