🔦A walk after dark🔦 Ishimaru x Reader*

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blood, hazing, bullying, and possibly alcohol! It's just mentioned but stay safe (:

-LAST UPDATED March 31 2024-


And yes,

I'm still writing on Mobil!

-Story Start-

"AW C'MON! What are ya, scared?"

You were visibly shaking? Were they blind? Brain dead!! well you need to HAVE a brain for it to be dead...

"It's just some old creek bed! What's the worst that can happen!"

Your mind was flooding with answers!! Getting picked of by some Hollywood slasher, a demon eating you, maybe mothman, getting lost in the woods and becoming so hungry you eat the first berries you see. Without knowing it's actually deadly nightshade, causing you to have a heart attack and die in the woods! And that was only the top 4.
Whatever, your sober concerns were nothing but excuses to your friend who was on his 5th drink about half an hour ago.

"Pssshhhhhh..... you'll be fine!"

He said, pushing you out onto the creek, into the cold inky night. He threw you a flashlight so old it was probably in the Bible. And ran... no not ran.. drunkly stumbled away... you would have chased after but honestly... you didn't care enough.

"God damn I think Jesus himself blessed this thing!"

You giggled, making the same Joke twice! UGH fine, maybe mothman was hot enough to make up for this... probably. You stepped into the bed, where water only ran when rain fell. Puddles forever lived in the bed though, so you heard the occasional plop when Stepping down.
You counted your steps in beats just to keep your mind steady, singing a cadence at first in your head. Then out loud.

1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4
I don't know what I've been told
(I don't know what I've been told)
My riches aren't weighed in gold
(My riches aren't weighed in gold)
Not copper or sliver either
(Not copper or sliver either)
And not in nickel neither
(And not in nickel neither)

God that stupid little song was the only thing keeping you from hallucinating shit. Just as you had started your 6th rotation of the song, you heard something. Cracking, in the distance. Like a tree falling... because a tree was falling.

Refusing to go out like that, you sped up on the rocks. Hitting a puddle and skidding across the rocks. By the time you had avoided the tree. Your head had come face first with the rocks and where probably bleeding. You couldn't see, as the tree took the biblical flashlight with it.

"Shit... shit shit shit!"

You tried to stand up, but were so disoriented in the dark that you fell right back down.

"God fucking damn it!"

You screamed. Not knowing what to do, you just cried. Well screamed and cried. I mean, a wild animal would still be better then this. Your chest tightened as you felt completely hopeless. No one knew you were down here but your friend who's vision was probably as black as yours right now! You were so far down, the best you could hope for was that someone saw that tree fall! Even then, they couldn't hear your screams over the smells of a party.
Time had already stopped in your head, and everyone else's as well. No one knew where you were. You were probably gonna bleed out before anything could remember your existence! Hell you were already light headed! Sure, it was probably from the anxiety, but anxiety doesn't have TIME to think of that! Hell you were so zoned out on who you were gonna haunt you flinched back at a human touch..

Ishimaru oneshots that tickle my serotonin! ~Where stories live. Discover now