💖Calm down💖 Ishimaru x Reader *OLD*

499 15 4

Panic attack, and fear of failure.


Well, I hope you like it.

-story start-

  This sounds selfish, but you wanted to cry. I got a B! Not only that, a low B! It's a 80! One thing below that and it would be a C! What will happen if it drops even more! I felt a since of impending doom fill my body. What would happen if it DID drop to a C! It's passing, but I would be a failure to most of my family! What if my teachers get worried!

You started marking all over the grade, with notes telling you how much of a failure this was. No one else cared about it but you, and you knew that. But the fear and paranoia ate at you, and you didn't know why.

  You started to sweat horridly in your trance of pure fear. Your head started to pound, and your chest felt heavy. It was hard enough to breath without that, but your body decided to make it hard for you. You covered your ears and slammed your head onto your desk. While starting to uncontrollably sob, gag, and feel hot. You weren't sure if anyone could here you, but you hoped they couldn't.
  You thought slamming your head on the table would make everything go away. Your abdomen felt like it was closing in on it's self, while goosebumps formed on your skin. You couldn't even focus on the sounds around you. You thought you heard your door creek open. You weren't sure, until you felt a hand shake you.

"L/N! I heard crying, are you okay?"

  You tried to tell him, but couldn't. In fact, you couldn't even really talk. It was as if your mouth had shut in on it's self. You gave him, a point blank thumbs down. He grabbed you by the shoulder, and lifted you up gently. Seeing the mess of tears, and the lump on your forehead.
When he moved your head, he saw the grade with your notes of failure. He pieced together what was going on. Being a lot smarter with social cues at some points then others.

"Wow, a B in that class. That's pretty good."

He patted you on the back, and started gushing about how hard that class was, and how good a B was in that class. The statements made you feel better, but not 100%.

"Why are you so anxious over a B?"

  Your body had calmed down enough to a point where you could speak.

"BECAUSE! It's a low B! One little miss step and I would be in the C range!"

  He sighed.

"Well, it's still a B! It's nothing to call yourself a failure over!"

  He grabbed your hand gently, and took you away from the desk.

"Let's go on a walk, we need to get outside anyways!"

  You put your shoes on, as he went back to griping your hand.

"It's spring! So the cherry blossoms should be Beautiful!"

  The day was old, so the sky was a lovely mixture of purple and orange dancing in the sky. You tried your best to keep up with him at a walking pace, but ended up jogging until he noticed and slowed down. You tried to let go of his hand, but he just gripped it tighter.
  You got to a row of cherry trees! Looking up at the pink dancing in the sky. You must have looked like an absolute child as you forgot all about your fears, and he patted you on the head.

"Hey Taka? We didn't have to walk this far you know."

  He shook his head, not even realizing he was still holding your hand.

"Nonsense! Anything to make a friend feel better!"

  You laughed, and laid your arm on his arm. He noticed that he was still holding onto your hand, but he didn't pull away. He almost did, but he looked happy holding your hand.

"Hey taka?"

  He looked over to you, and smiled.


You blushed heavily, and covered your face with your hair.


  You two looked at each other, heavily blushing. You made eye contact, and ended the eye contact when your lips met. They didn't meet for long, but when they did, you didn't want it to end. When you two pulled away, Ishimaru got instantly flustered.

"I'm so sorry! I don't know what came over me!"

  You let a cute little snort out of your nose, and a little laugh too.

"It's fine Taka! I obviously consented to it."

  He looked away flustered, but you grabbed his hand and started walking back.

"Let's get back before night!"

  He covered his face with the other hand, and nodded his head.

-word count 798-

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